“The summer always seems to go rather quickly,” people always say; it just flies by. Currently I reside in Tampa Florida with a nice family who has taken me in for the next 9 weeks. I am working at a small recovering church recently renamed Discovery Christian Church in hopes to lay down a brighter future in spite of the strenuous past. I am not sure what to expect from this summer, what lessons to learn, what about ministry I need to understand but I hope that God can use me and let me grow. Things never seem to happen as I plan them and if they do then great. This summer I live away from my home, my family, my friends, and my normal everyday life. What will happen? I do not know but I expect great things.
Moses never had things go the way he would have planned them. He grew up under the care of the pharaoh escaping the slaughtering of the innocence, a Hebrew amongst Egyptians, living as an Egyptian. Then around the age of 40, kills a guard for attacking a Hebrew and fleeing into the desert to escape retribution. There he becomes a lowly shepherd tending to sheep and marries a local girl. Then does that for another 40 years until a burning bush begins to talk. Commissioned by God he returns to his “home” land and demands his people be let go. Only After devastating Egypt with ten plagues and at the death of Pharaoh’s own son does Ramesses II (Pharaoh) relinquish his assertion over the slaves. God used Moses to accomplish greatness for his predestined people.
I sometimes wonder what could possibly happen this summer, what I might learn, who I could meet. When will I come across the next burning bush? God used the unexpected to change the course of history. Only he knows whom he will use next. This summer I look forward to the unexpected, when I find it, I will look for greatness. Right now I am just expecting a summer job but who knows what God could do with a college student, a staff of three, and a small congregation.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Another Discussion on Faith
I want to be honest with you, I am not sure that I totally understand faith. Now I know that as a future minister this causes a bit of a problem. If I don’t even understand it how am I suppose to tell others about it and expect others to know of it? So I will tell you what I have come to understand as faith up to this point in my life. The Hebrews writer puts faith in terms for us to better understand, “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Okay, that is not too difficult to understand but this does not really work as a working definition. After giving this phrase in verse 1 the writer then goes on to list 16 or so people who were noted as having great faith. Yet in all 16 people I could tell you where they all doubted God. I think it is okay to doubt, it makes you human. I would say that verse one would be an example of perfect faith, the kind of faith Jesus had in his father. So I strive to grasp better the idea of faith.
There are for certain, some points faith is tied to.
-Faith is tied to experience. Like a child you grow up and become an adult and mature. No longer do you dally in the ways of youth, but you learn what is appropriate and right, same thing with faith. Faith grows by life experiences. When you begin to see that God really is working for your good then you will step out on that limb again even for greater things allowing your faith to grow.
Here is an example. You have a rich man and a poor man. The rich man does not have to worry about where his next meal comes from because he can afford it, he worked for pay and his faith rests in his money to provide for him. On the other hand the poor man cannot afford to pay for his next meal and does not know where he is going to eat next. He has faith in God that he will provide for his needs and when God comes through for him, and he is able to recognize it then his faith grows, for he sees the fruits of his faith.
The more life experience you have the more cause or reason you have to be a warrior in your faith. Yet I urge you not to forget the young David who at an early age believed God would help him fight a seasoned soldier and win. In most cases, I have found the more life experience a person has in times of struggle and living in a view of faith the stronger his faith has become. He has more evidence to back up his reason for believing in God.
-Faith is based from reason not emotion. J.R. is actually talking about this very issue on Sunday. If we relied on our emotions to feed our faith then little things such as a rainy day affects our faith. Or our tempers when driving would control our faith at that time. Instead of faith being based on emotions it is based from reason, the conscious choice to believe Christ in the teeth of anger and the awful days that make us tired.
C.S. Lewis said this, “It is not reason that [takes] away my faith: on the contrary, my faith is based on reason. It is my imagination and emotions. The battle is between faith and reason on one side and emotion and imagination on the other… Now Faith, in the sense in which I am here using the word, is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods. Of r moods will change, whatever view your reason takes. I know that by experience.” –Mere Christianity pg. 139-140
I think to many times youth go to CIY or some major worship network and their emotions get raised, then make rash decisions based on those heightened emotions and that is dangerous.
-Faith and works always seem to be in some sort of battle. Paul says we live by faith alone and James says we faith without works are dead. Who is right? Which is right? The answer is yes. The idea of grace takes away anything you do for salvation, which includes your faith and works. You can never have enough faith or do enough works to merit salvation. So do not worry about either regarding salvation, salvation only comes from grace which God gives you. It is by faith we trust God to give us his gift but his gift is his alone to give.
Now we have the choice of either being an insane person or a sane person. The insane person would say with his mouth he believes in God but does not conform to the teachings of Jesus. The sane person would say with his mouth he believes and follow through with conforming to the teachings of Christ. You do not attempt at these new teachings with the view of doing this to be saved but because God has begun to save you already. Not working to receive heaven as some sort of gift but because a sliver of heaven already exists inside of you.
People argue so much over this tussle between faith and works probably because both ideas are in the Bible. Philippians 2 says, “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,” and the opposite, “It is God working inside of you to the completion.” God does all the work or you do the work. The real job is not to argue over faith verses works but to see how they are the same. Saying God did this and I did that does not work because God does not exactly work like the man beside you but inside of you. You reach an idea of working together inside and out.
This reflection of faith probably does not express the true meaning of faith, like I said earlier I am not sure entirely what faith is. As of now this seems to be what I understand and think about the matter and was probably much clearer at the beginning
There are for certain, some points faith is tied to.
-Faith is tied to experience. Like a child you grow up and become an adult and mature. No longer do you dally in the ways of youth, but you learn what is appropriate and right, same thing with faith. Faith grows by life experiences. When you begin to see that God really is working for your good then you will step out on that limb again even for greater things allowing your faith to grow.
Here is an example. You have a rich man and a poor man. The rich man does not have to worry about where his next meal comes from because he can afford it, he worked for pay and his faith rests in his money to provide for him. On the other hand the poor man cannot afford to pay for his next meal and does not know where he is going to eat next. He has faith in God that he will provide for his needs and when God comes through for him, and he is able to recognize it then his faith grows, for he sees the fruits of his faith.
The more life experience you have the more cause or reason you have to be a warrior in your faith. Yet I urge you not to forget the young David who at an early age believed God would help him fight a seasoned soldier and win. In most cases, I have found the more life experience a person has in times of struggle and living in a view of faith the stronger his faith has become. He has more evidence to back up his reason for believing in God.
-Faith is based from reason not emotion. J.R. is actually talking about this very issue on Sunday. If we relied on our emotions to feed our faith then little things such as a rainy day affects our faith. Or our tempers when driving would control our faith at that time. Instead of faith being based on emotions it is based from reason, the conscious choice to believe Christ in the teeth of anger and the awful days that make us tired.
C.S. Lewis said this, “It is not reason that [takes] away my faith: on the contrary, my faith is based on reason. It is my imagination and emotions. The battle is between faith and reason on one side and emotion and imagination on the other… Now Faith, in the sense in which I am here using the word, is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods. Of r moods will change, whatever view your reason takes. I know that by experience.” –Mere Christianity pg. 139-140
I think to many times youth go to CIY or some major worship network and their emotions get raised, then make rash decisions based on those heightened emotions and that is dangerous.
-Faith and works always seem to be in some sort of battle. Paul says we live by faith alone and James says we faith without works are dead. Who is right? Which is right? The answer is yes. The idea of grace takes away anything you do for salvation, which includes your faith and works. You can never have enough faith or do enough works to merit salvation. So do not worry about either regarding salvation, salvation only comes from grace which God gives you. It is by faith we trust God to give us his gift but his gift is his alone to give.
Now we have the choice of either being an insane person or a sane person. The insane person would say with his mouth he believes in God but does not conform to the teachings of Jesus. The sane person would say with his mouth he believes and follow through with conforming to the teachings of Christ. You do not attempt at these new teachings with the view of doing this to be saved but because God has begun to save you already. Not working to receive heaven as some sort of gift but because a sliver of heaven already exists inside of you.
People argue so much over this tussle between faith and works probably because both ideas are in the Bible. Philippians 2 says, “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,” and the opposite, “It is God working inside of you to the completion.” God does all the work or you do the work. The real job is not to argue over faith verses works but to see how they are the same. Saying God did this and I did that does not work because God does not exactly work like the man beside you but inside of you. You reach an idea of working together inside and out.
This reflection of faith probably does not express the true meaning of faith, like I said earlier I am not sure entirely what faith is. As of now this seems to be what I understand and think about the matter and was probably much clearer at the beginning
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Love?!... (Part 5)
This begins my last and final post in this series on love. I have talked much on this subject, mainly discerning between the different types of relationship that we know to share; friendship, companionship, sharing, affection, and of course God’s love. I began this whole topic looking into my own heart and I feel that maybe I ventured from that getting lost in the verbose verbiage and for that I apologize first to my own heart and then to the reader.
Love always seemed to be a sappy touchy topic that everyone always wants to discuss or the opposite, neglect to mention when needed. In the beginning I asked a series of questions all of which I had asked myself because the occasion has called. The only problem with that was I never asked the people who mattered. I cowered and hid in my small corner and watched, hoping my chance would pass so that I would not have to risk being caught on a weak limb waiting to break and fall. I fled from opportunity unlike the wise who would pursue it. Does my cowardliness out weigh my wisdom, i think not. My problem lies with my thoughts meeting my passions. My thoughts defend me while my actions accuse me. I know what others might say but choose not to act, this problem above all others defines the human failure to Love God.
This past week I spent much time with friends, three great people. We worked our way through one of my favorite books in the Bible, Philippians. I am not sure if you have ever read this short book of four chapters, but one thing I do know; you must! The language seems different from all of his other books, I think maybe because Paul never wanes in one area of his life, that being passion. His passion screams from his wording, his phrases, how he demonstrates a continual devotion to God even though suffering much, while in chains. He suffers because of the gospel, he lives it, breathes it and never takes his eye off that Goal, the one thing he lives for and in death reaches, and the goal’s name is Christ. In the study I got to see something, something I had not seen before, the passion of a brother who has found purpose in his faith, a kind of newly birthed passion. I got to see the pain of another brother, the turmoil that fills his family’s life and the strength he has to hold them together. I witnessed the friendship of a sister whose passion never ceases to amaze me and her Love for God and his creation is truly inspiring. The one thing I have yet to share with you about love is passion.
Love requires a kind of passion, one not easily attained and harder to toss aside. Passion will overlook the evil and the difficulties. Passion will create endurance and with endurance, strength. Here you may begin to question my words; what if I told you Love was a sort of suffering. I believe it. People always associate suffering with the terrible parts of life such as illness, loss of a job, death of a relative or friend. What people seem to be blind to is that those sufferings make them stronger, especially for the Christians. The suffering of Love strengthens you. One thing is true, happiness comes and goes like the tide, but when you choose to remain strong in Love your suffering adds to your passion so you begin to live off of the suffering for you know what great things it leads love to. Love does not hinge on the emotion of happiness, but rejoices with the continual obedience to live for the love you will. My point is love will not always include fun or happiness, but that because you suffer through the times when it brings hardships, love abounds all the more. Those who give up can never understand the true suffering of Love. C.S. Lewis once said that those who give into temptation are the weak because they had not the strength to survive through the temptation. They gave in only after five minutes so really the bad people had no idea about the strength of temptation. Well the bad or the weak are the ones who gave in only after five minutes not becoming stronger by this suffering of Love failing to grasp its supreme power as well as beauty. Cowering in the corner afraid of that weak limb to crawl out on, there the bad people sit and forever wait praying their opportunity doesn't see them.
Passion comes from the suffering; those who suffer have passion that grows. I think maybe I give into the suffering and because of that I wave each opportunity by never quite knowing the true passion I could have. Now I am not talking about my Bond with God, I want that made clear, also my family and friendships are all in tact doing great. So what is left? Perhaps the passion to seek what my heart desires and longs for, to meet another to suffer with.
Tonight I shall begin a prayer, a prayer for the strength to suffer through Love so I have a new source of passion, the kind that builds only with every passing hardship. And here I conclude what I call Love; no matter how many words I throw at it, they all seem pointless. After all, Love is indescribable. ;-)
-Jonny Heart
Love always seemed to be a sappy touchy topic that everyone always wants to discuss or the opposite, neglect to mention when needed. In the beginning I asked a series of questions all of which I had asked myself because the occasion has called. The only problem with that was I never asked the people who mattered. I cowered and hid in my small corner and watched, hoping my chance would pass so that I would not have to risk being caught on a weak limb waiting to break and fall. I fled from opportunity unlike the wise who would pursue it. Does my cowardliness out weigh my wisdom, i think not. My problem lies with my thoughts meeting my passions. My thoughts defend me while my actions accuse me. I know what others might say but choose not to act, this problem above all others defines the human failure to Love God.
This past week I spent much time with friends, three great people. We worked our way through one of my favorite books in the Bible, Philippians. I am not sure if you have ever read this short book of four chapters, but one thing I do know; you must! The language seems different from all of his other books, I think maybe because Paul never wanes in one area of his life, that being passion. His passion screams from his wording, his phrases, how he demonstrates a continual devotion to God even though suffering much, while in chains. He suffers because of the gospel, he lives it, breathes it and never takes his eye off that Goal, the one thing he lives for and in death reaches, and the goal’s name is Christ. In the study I got to see something, something I had not seen before, the passion of a brother who has found purpose in his faith, a kind of newly birthed passion. I got to see the pain of another brother, the turmoil that fills his family’s life and the strength he has to hold them together. I witnessed the friendship of a sister whose passion never ceases to amaze me and her Love for God and his creation is truly inspiring. The one thing I have yet to share with you about love is passion.
Love requires a kind of passion, one not easily attained and harder to toss aside. Passion will overlook the evil and the difficulties. Passion will create endurance and with endurance, strength. Here you may begin to question my words; what if I told you Love was a sort of suffering. I believe it. People always associate suffering with the terrible parts of life such as illness, loss of a job, death of a relative or friend. What people seem to be blind to is that those sufferings make them stronger, especially for the Christians. The suffering of Love strengthens you. One thing is true, happiness comes and goes like the tide, but when you choose to remain strong in Love your suffering adds to your passion so you begin to live off of the suffering for you know what great things it leads love to. Love does not hinge on the emotion of happiness, but rejoices with the continual obedience to live for the love you will. My point is love will not always include fun or happiness, but that because you suffer through the times when it brings hardships, love abounds all the more. Those who give up can never understand the true suffering of Love. C.S. Lewis once said that those who give into temptation are the weak because they had not the strength to survive through the temptation. They gave in only after five minutes so really the bad people had no idea about the strength of temptation. Well the bad or the weak are the ones who gave in only after five minutes not becoming stronger by this suffering of Love failing to grasp its supreme power as well as beauty. Cowering in the corner afraid of that weak limb to crawl out on, there the bad people sit and forever wait praying their opportunity doesn't see them.
Passion comes from the suffering; those who suffer have passion that grows. I think maybe I give into the suffering and because of that I wave each opportunity by never quite knowing the true passion I could have. Now I am not talking about my Bond with God, I want that made clear, also my family and friendships are all in tact doing great. So what is left? Perhaps the passion to seek what my heart desires and longs for, to meet another to suffer with.
Tonight I shall begin a prayer, a prayer for the strength to suffer through Love so I have a new source of passion, the kind that builds only with every passing hardship. And here I conclude what I call Love; no matter how many words I throw at it, they all seem pointless. After all, Love is indescribable. ;-)
-Jonny Heart
Love (Part 4)
Nature, what to say about it? It is Beautiful and at other times terrifying, not terrifying in the sense I shiver with fear but a fear that stands in awe of a presence that compares you to a tiny blade of grass and itself the greatest of all mountains. The beauty molded into trees and rivers or the vast blue sky that protects us from a span greater then I may comprehend or pretend to. The great features are made up of all the little details like texture, creatures, colors, quantity, heat or cold. A friend once told me how she could see God in a swarm of gnats and it was beautiful, I do not have that talent, but desire it. This post will base more on reason then poetry.
The question brought up at sonic and I now inquire about is this; “Is it possible to Love nature?” Monokardia spat quickly back, “Yes!” Now I consider if that to be true. A man says he may love his dog, but the question of Love remains, does the object of affection have to return such a desire. The Dog lives off its master, like a baby relies on a parent. Can the baby love? It thinks only of itself and of course has to in order to survive. You could say that the dog feels love for the master, making it an emotional based love. The dog is happy when you return home, and wishes you to give it attention and pet him. Yet again the direction of attention is one way, from the master to the Dog and never in return. Now is that the love that a human has for another human, or on a higher level the love God has for man? The dog serves and does tricks, but for the satisfaction of praise and a treat. I am convinced now that if we keep love to a core value of an action of will serving another then no, a dog cannot love but has the appearance of love.
This only answers the question can nature love in return, not can man love nature?
My Grandfather gave me a boat shelf made out of cherry wood, a wonderful gift. Now, I could say I love those shelves, but is that true? Do I love them because of what it is or because of who gave them to me and the time and energy he put into it just for me? After considering it I found that the later was true. So when God gave us nature as a gift and made us stewards over it, does that mean we love nature because of what it is or because God gave it to us? Take this argument outside of Christianity; does an atheist love nature for the simple fact it is appealing to observe? I should say yes. Now does his idea of love match ours/mine? I should say not. I am not sure what I would say of nature if I were not a Christian, I have always been one so I have no way of knowing. I think they care as much, if not more of it then Christians. Could this mean then that it is possible to love nature though you do not acknowledge a divine creator? I should say no. A non-creator idealist still has faith that it is mere chance we exist. They put faith in evolution or something to that nature. Now it can be said of them they have respect for nature because they acknowledge the complexity of it but have not love for it (by our stricter sense of the word love). The point is that when you realize your own insignificance you gain a respect for what seems greater. When a Christian says he or she loves nature, what they mean is they love the gift God has given them. So they love God, not nature.
Well let us ponder on the idea of sharing love. A man and wife, in the truest sense, love one another by serving the other. This is the highest level of love; only fitting it comes in the worldly ideal, as the lowest notion of acts, serving. In the beginning of the first post I asked the question is it possible to love someone or something if they do not return the favor? Depends on the love. If you think of erotic love then no you cannot, it is a love you share. Now if you take agape love then yes, you could say that but a man who “loves” a girl though she does not love in return may actually be suffering from his own infatuation, which is not love but a envy or lust. Is it possible for a man or woman to love a person as a husband should love a wife or vice versa yet the recipient denies such affection? To that I am still searching for an answer. So I suppose the discussion of love comes down to matter of diction. The English language simply cannot contain the meanings of Love. Maybe that is why people have taken the word and abused it with everyday matters such as “I love that car.” No proper meaning of Love exists because one word is forced to support many different kinds of thoughts.
The question brought up at sonic and I now inquire about is this; “Is it possible to Love nature?” Monokardia spat quickly back, “Yes!” Now I consider if that to be true. A man says he may love his dog, but the question of Love remains, does the object of affection have to return such a desire. The Dog lives off its master, like a baby relies on a parent. Can the baby love? It thinks only of itself and of course has to in order to survive. You could say that the dog feels love for the master, making it an emotional based love. The dog is happy when you return home, and wishes you to give it attention and pet him. Yet again the direction of attention is one way, from the master to the Dog and never in return. Now is that the love that a human has for another human, or on a higher level the love God has for man? The dog serves and does tricks, but for the satisfaction of praise and a treat. I am convinced now that if we keep love to a core value of an action of will serving another then no, a dog cannot love but has the appearance of love.
This only answers the question can nature love in return, not can man love nature?
My Grandfather gave me a boat shelf made out of cherry wood, a wonderful gift. Now, I could say I love those shelves, but is that true? Do I love them because of what it is or because of who gave them to me and the time and energy he put into it just for me? After considering it I found that the later was true. So when God gave us nature as a gift and made us stewards over it, does that mean we love nature because of what it is or because God gave it to us? Take this argument outside of Christianity; does an atheist love nature for the simple fact it is appealing to observe? I should say yes. Now does his idea of love match ours/mine? I should say not. I am not sure what I would say of nature if I were not a Christian, I have always been one so I have no way of knowing. I think they care as much, if not more of it then Christians. Could this mean then that it is possible to love nature though you do not acknowledge a divine creator? I should say no. A non-creator idealist still has faith that it is mere chance we exist. They put faith in evolution or something to that nature. Now it can be said of them they have respect for nature because they acknowledge the complexity of it but have not love for it (by our stricter sense of the word love). The point is that when you realize your own insignificance you gain a respect for what seems greater. When a Christian says he or she loves nature, what they mean is they love the gift God has given them. So they love God, not nature.
Well let us ponder on the idea of sharing love. A man and wife, in the truest sense, love one another by serving the other. This is the highest level of love; only fitting it comes in the worldly ideal, as the lowest notion of acts, serving. In the beginning of the first post I asked the question is it possible to love someone or something if they do not return the favor? Depends on the love. If you think of erotic love then no you cannot, it is a love you share. Now if you take agape love then yes, you could say that but a man who “loves” a girl though she does not love in return may actually be suffering from his own infatuation, which is not love but a envy or lust. Is it possible for a man or woman to love a person as a husband should love a wife or vice versa yet the recipient denies such affection? To that I am still searching for an answer. So I suppose the discussion of love comes down to matter of diction. The English language simply cannot contain the meanings of Love. Maybe that is why people have taken the word and abused it with everyday matters such as “I love that car.” No proper meaning of Love exists because one word is forced to support many different kinds of thoughts.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Love?!... (Part 3)
“Love, in the Christian sense, does not mean an emotion. It is a state not of the feelings but of the will; that state of the will which we have naturally about ourselves, and must learn to have about other people.”
-C.S. Lewis Mere Christianity
I return to you once again continuing this idea of Love. In all the books and poems, in all the plays and songs, the author of all such expressions speaks more on love then any other thought; why is that? It seems to me that through life, Christians and non-Christians search to satisfy their thirst for fulfillment and in the end the non-Christians find themselves in a desert wandering aimlessly for the next oasis to sooth their throats until once again the vision vanishes, another hallucination, and the lost end in disappointment concerning life. The human race depends upon love, always seeking it and always exploring it but aside from God, mankind will never experience a true love for all will fail.
The four at sonic said this about God’s Love. The nature of God’s love, agape, requires a relinquish of personal concern with the denial of self, and then give willingly without expecting a return. King James, I think, had the better translation for this Greek word; charity. Agape has more then choice imbedded in its use, a constant state of a certain will could only use this form of love. When you think about acting on this love, and must consciously choose this course of action then you miss the greatest form of it. Granted, choosing it will always supersede then to not, yet the beauty of it comes with the will of the person. Nothing else comes to their mind, no other plausible choice arrives, so quick it seems thinking doesn’t even happen but an instant action. Thus so God acts in accordance of his will, he poured himself out and gave his own life to bring us the eternal. As I stated earlier, Agape means charity and that form of love requires the giver not to require a response of gratitude, and here we fail. How does he act so graciously, how can he? I know of times when I acted selflessly without thinking and showed a degree of agape love, however not long after the realization set in I thought to myself how well I acted; what a shame.
If you can’t tell from the blog page, I adore C.S. Lewis; he had a way with words and spoke such great truths in few phrases. I relate to his words above, I know the person I love most (of any form) is myself, that naturally came to me, I respect myself. I would do anything to rescue my body from danger or harmful intent. Christian love demonstrates those same qualities but in the direction of others. A Christian must take what love he has learned for himself and deliver it to others, a very different view and action from society yet that defines Christian love.
I would now like to quote from Corinthians one chapter thirteen. “Love is patient, love is kind, it is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” (NASB). Many times you can here this cited in a wedding progression yet as Mark Moore says, that is the worst of places to have it. Many seem to forget what surrounds this passage; turmoil, competition, hatred, an infatuation of spiritual gifts, argument, and separation. A wedding should have a since of love in the air, rejoicing, and happiness, none of the things conspiring in Corinth. This passage was not for defining the word Love (Agape) but a plea to the church to stop all this argument and separation, a petition to put aside the requirements of faith and show that Love rises above all gifts of the spirit. This was what I wanted to share with you, that love is greater then all rewards, greater then faith and hope. All acts of kindness and charity are great but with out agape, mean nothing. Agape is the greatest of all loves for us to acquire but because of our selfishness and disdain this becomes increasingly difficult. Put aside that filth and love intently.
The night progressed and the hands on the clock made their trip around its face. The four men started to raise tension in their voices, for they could not agree on this topic. After the discussion on the separate Greek words Peoden brought up another idea, can Man really love Nature?
More on this next time…
-C.S. Lewis Mere Christianity
I return to you once again continuing this idea of Love. In all the books and poems, in all the plays and songs, the author of all such expressions speaks more on love then any other thought; why is that? It seems to me that through life, Christians and non-Christians search to satisfy their thirst for fulfillment and in the end the non-Christians find themselves in a desert wandering aimlessly for the next oasis to sooth their throats until once again the vision vanishes, another hallucination, and the lost end in disappointment concerning life. The human race depends upon love, always seeking it and always exploring it but aside from God, mankind will never experience a true love for all will fail.
The four at sonic said this about God’s Love. The nature of God’s love, agape, requires a relinquish of personal concern with the denial of self, and then give willingly without expecting a return. King James, I think, had the better translation for this Greek word; charity. Agape has more then choice imbedded in its use, a constant state of a certain will could only use this form of love. When you think about acting on this love, and must consciously choose this course of action then you miss the greatest form of it. Granted, choosing it will always supersede then to not, yet the beauty of it comes with the will of the person. Nothing else comes to their mind, no other plausible choice arrives, so quick it seems thinking doesn’t even happen but an instant action. Thus so God acts in accordance of his will, he poured himself out and gave his own life to bring us the eternal. As I stated earlier, Agape means charity and that form of love requires the giver not to require a response of gratitude, and here we fail. How does he act so graciously, how can he? I know of times when I acted selflessly without thinking and showed a degree of agape love, however not long after the realization set in I thought to myself how well I acted; what a shame.
If you can’t tell from the blog page, I adore C.S. Lewis; he had a way with words and spoke such great truths in few phrases. I relate to his words above, I know the person I love most (of any form) is myself, that naturally came to me, I respect myself. I would do anything to rescue my body from danger or harmful intent. Christian love demonstrates those same qualities but in the direction of others. A Christian must take what love he has learned for himself and deliver it to others, a very different view and action from society yet that defines Christian love.
I would now like to quote from Corinthians one chapter thirteen. “Love is patient, love is kind, it is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” (NASB). Many times you can here this cited in a wedding progression yet as Mark Moore says, that is the worst of places to have it. Many seem to forget what surrounds this passage; turmoil, competition, hatred, an infatuation of spiritual gifts, argument, and separation. A wedding should have a since of love in the air, rejoicing, and happiness, none of the things conspiring in Corinth. This passage was not for defining the word Love (Agape) but a plea to the church to stop all this argument and separation, a petition to put aside the requirements of faith and show that Love rises above all gifts of the spirit. This was what I wanted to share with you, that love is greater then all rewards, greater then faith and hope. All acts of kindness and charity are great but with out agape, mean nothing. Agape is the greatest of all loves for us to acquire but because of our selfishness and disdain this becomes increasingly difficult. Put aside that filth and love intently.
The night progressed and the hands on the clock made their trip around its face. The four men started to raise tension in their voices, for they could not agree on this topic. After the discussion on the separate Greek words Peoden brought up another idea, can Man really love Nature?
More on this next time…
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Love?!... (Part 2)
The luxury of this being only a blog, I don’t have to persuade you of anything, instead lay my philosophies on the table for consideration and entertaining. (For the telling of the discussion at Sonic I made up names using Greek and Latin, which represent the four.)
Love, as I stated before is indescribable, thus impossible for all understanding to be put into words. However, I say to consider and ponder on such topics in the pursuit and search of greater wisdom.
A person cannot craft love. Love does not birth with a new baby with love created inside that person as if it has physical members or traits, if all died off love would still remain even though no one resides to witness it, nor does it form when a couple begins to share a relationship. Love does not start and does not end. One does not kill it, destroy it, break it, or cease it. Love does not exist physically or bare just one brand but has several appearances. Just as the laws of Good and Evil exist without the presence of man so does the essence of love. I would say, from out of what I read in the Bible, people receive the capacity to love only from God. If God did not exist neither would love. It comes to us as an extension of His good will. Our partnership with his image gives the ability to share in his love and manage it.
These are the four at sonic; Peoden which means ‘king,’ Meglaphilos which means ‘great friend,’ Apatoma which means ‘short one,’ and Monachardi which means the one heart. The four discussed, and as I stated in the prior post, came first to choice. Apotoma spoke quickly; “it’s a choice.” All had accordance and claimed that emotion seemed a mute point in time and place. One must decide to exhibit faith through peace or turmoil. Love must embody a commitment, an oath, a contract, and a conscious reaction to one another by never ceasing indenture. This even shows its merit in friendship. Two people with similar interests decide to devote time in the other. And the four agreed unanimously, a good sign and start.
In English, the common communication tosses around the word love carelessly, “I love my car,” “I love this movie” or “I love this picture.” English relinquishes the word of all boundaries and flooding it with meaningless mention weakening the word to all meaning of interest. Monachardi spoke up and brought this to light. The Greeks did not have the word Love, instead a system of four words separating connotations, Agapae (godly love), Phila (friendship), Eros (passionate or sexual), and storgay (parent to child). They never put so much meaning into just one word instead English does. I went to a thesaurus to look up synonyms for our English Love and I found this: fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, endearment, devotion, adoration, doting, idolization, worship, passion, ardor, desire, lust, yearning, infatuation, and bestowed, compassion, care, caring, regard, solicitude, concern, friendliness, friendship, kindness, charity, goodwill, sympathy, kindliness, altruism, unselfishness, philanthropy, benevolence, and feelings for. I gave you barely half. Love is too complex to throw into one idea, belief, or word and it shows carelessness, ignorance, and neglect. I hope you understand… The others took note of the unveiled reasoning and discussed. From then on the word love became adjoined with a prefix like friendly-love or godly-love.
Enough for now… I shall continue later.
Love, as I stated before is indescribable, thus impossible for all understanding to be put into words. However, I say to consider and ponder on such topics in the pursuit and search of greater wisdom.
A person cannot craft love. Love does not birth with a new baby with love created inside that person as if it has physical members or traits, if all died off love would still remain even though no one resides to witness it, nor does it form when a couple begins to share a relationship. Love does not start and does not end. One does not kill it, destroy it, break it, or cease it. Love does not exist physically or bare just one brand but has several appearances. Just as the laws of Good and Evil exist without the presence of man so does the essence of love. I would say, from out of what I read in the Bible, people receive the capacity to love only from God. If God did not exist neither would love. It comes to us as an extension of His good will. Our partnership with his image gives the ability to share in his love and manage it.
These are the four at sonic; Peoden which means ‘king,’ Meglaphilos which means ‘great friend,’ Apatoma which means ‘short one,’ and Monachardi which means the one heart. The four discussed, and as I stated in the prior post, came first to choice. Apotoma spoke quickly; “it’s a choice.” All had accordance and claimed that emotion seemed a mute point in time and place. One must decide to exhibit faith through peace or turmoil. Love must embody a commitment, an oath, a contract, and a conscious reaction to one another by never ceasing indenture. This even shows its merit in friendship. Two people with similar interests decide to devote time in the other. And the four agreed unanimously, a good sign and start.
In English, the common communication tosses around the word love carelessly, “I love my car,” “I love this movie” or “I love this picture.” English relinquishes the word of all boundaries and flooding it with meaningless mention weakening the word to all meaning of interest. Monachardi spoke up and brought this to light. The Greeks did not have the word Love, instead a system of four words separating connotations, Agapae (godly love), Phila (friendship), Eros (passionate or sexual), and storgay (parent to child). They never put so much meaning into just one word instead English does. I went to a thesaurus to look up synonyms for our English Love and I found this: fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, endearment, devotion, adoration, doting, idolization, worship, passion, ardor, desire, lust, yearning, infatuation, and bestowed, compassion, care, caring, regard, solicitude, concern, friendliness, friendship, kindness, charity, goodwill, sympathy, kindliness, altruism, unselfishness, philanthropy, benevolence, and feelings for. I gave you barely half. Love is too complex to throw into one idea, belief, or word and it shows carelessness, ignorance, and neglect. I hope you understand… The others took note of the unveiled reasoning and discussed. From then on the word love became adjoined with a prefix like friendly-love or godly-love.
Enough for now… I shall continue later.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Love?!... (part 1)
I know what I say, I say out of turn. My words speak of matters my life has barely yet experienced but the anticipation drives me to expression. What should I reveal about my heart? How much needs unveiled for understanding? I do not know, but my words find their way to the page.
I have experienced love between friends, with my parents as their son, with the Willmores and Empsons as part of a family, with God as one of his people, and at one time with a special person, but no longer. Now something seems to escape me. I have thought about what my life lacks, what can brighten or change the mundane days that pile on top of another to form the silhouette that reflects my life? Surely not only I feel this void, others share my loneliness. What I really want, what I desire, I have little control over. It now seems long since past when I enjoyed a partnership of Love. The scriptures say, “It is not good for man to be alone.” I believe it. I do have friends and I look to them for happiness but the level of companionship between friends seems shallow between two crossed in Love. Those friends I have, many already have their life partners; joining in marriage and investing in each other, which ought to be. Often I see their happiness, and their joy brings me joy, but I want to share in that spirit, taste the luxuries they seem to of acquired. At the same time I want to express to you, I do not feel desperate. I will not just take any girl that looks my way; perhaps my problems link directly to my standards. Do I aim to high?
I bet I know the line of thought you travel. “He is only in love with love, he proves purely pathetic.” You may speak some truth, occasionally the heart miss-interprets the mind and when I act on the heart I feel blind in reason. I think Love grows deeper then Reason or Philosophy, beyond that of wit and thought. I long to Love and be Loved, yes; do I understand what Love is, maybe not. The void in my life I think embodies one aspect of a complex notion.
One evening four men sat around a table at their local sonic enjoying a late night meal to satisfy their craving bellies. All four prove their worth in wisdom for their age. Not one yet reached five and twenty years; the age that insurance corporations say becomes responsible enough to drive reasonably. The eldest leaned a crossed the table and asked a question that spawned a discussion which lasted for over an hour. “What is love?” First, silence griped the atmosphere; no one expected something so vast.
After a while several ideas surfaced. “Love is a choice.” This first came to light. A degree of truth resides in this idea however I fear to many only hold to this, and look no further. Is it Love if the choice you have made to love does not return the favor, at what point would it no longer be Love and just another infatuation? Well, many believe God loves all even those who do not acknowledge him; do the same rules apply between two human specimens. Can I love a woman with a true love, same way God loves us, even though she wishes to take her affection elsewhere, would it then become infatuation or lust? What about Love amongst friends? Obviously a different love connects friends then a married couple. God’s love for us must be different then friendship because of his constant admiration for us; we pass friend to friend when life separates us either by growing apart, argument, or betrayal. Very quickly a problem of diction arose to complicate such discussion. Several types of Love exist even the Greeks knew this. English has a weakness in philosophy.
The discussion carried into debate, a tussling of ideas and a challenge of pride. The discussion ended with this. “Love is indescribable.” That statement, when thought about, is a paradox. The word indescribable is an attempt to explain a matter when words and language fail, how can one express an idea with a word that explains it can’t be done using words. Now with that being said; I have already gone longer then I desired so I must stop now and continue later. In the next few posts, I shall consider aspects of Love my mind can attempt to fathom.
I have experienced love between friends, with my parents as their son, with the Willmores and Empsons as part of a family, with God as one of his people, and at one time with a special person, but no longer. Now something seems to escape me. I have thought about what my life lacks, what can brighten or change the mundane days that pile on top of another to form the silhouette that reflects my life? Surely not only I feel this void, others share my loneliness. What I really want, what I desire, I have little control over. It now seems long since past when I enjoyed a partnership of Love. The scriptures say, “It is not good for man to be alone.” I believe it. I do have friends and I look to them for happiness but the level of companionship between friends seems shallow between two crossed in Love. Those friends I have, many already have their life partners; joining in marriage and investing in each other, which ought to be. Often I see their happiness, and their joy brings me joy, but I want to share in that spirit, taste the luxuries they seem to of acquired. At the same time I want to express to you, I do not feel desperate. I will not just take any girl that looks my way; perhaps my problems link directly to my standards. Do I aim to high?
I bet I know the line of thought you travel. “He is only in love with love, he proves purely pathetic.” You may speak some truth, occasionally the heart miss-interprets the mind and when I act on the heart I feel blind in reason. I think Love grows deeper then Reason or Philosophy, beyond that of wit and thought. I long to Love and be Loved, yes; do I understand what Love is, maybe not. The void in my life I think embodies one aspect of a complex notion.
One evening four men sat around a table at their local sonic enjoying a late night meal to satisfy their craving bellies. All four prove their worth in wisdom for their age. Not one yet reached five and twenty years; the age that insurance corporations say becomes responsible enough to drive reasonably. The eldest leaned a crossed the table and asked a question that spawned a discussion which lasted for over an hour. “What is love?” First, silence griped the atmosphere; no one expected something so vast.
After a while several ideas surfaced. “Love is a choice.” This first came to light. A degree of truth resides in this idea however I fear to many only hold to this, and look no further. Is it Love if the choice you have made to love does not return the favor, at what point would it no longer be Love and just another infatuation? Well, many believe God loves all even those who do not acknowledge him; do the same rules apply between two human specimens. Can I love a woman with a true love, same way God loves us, even though she wishes to take her affection elsewhere, would it then become infatuation or lust? What about Love amongst friends? Obviously a different love connects friends then a married couple. God’s love for us must be different then friendship because of his constant admiration for us; we pass friend to friend when life separates us either by growing apart, argument, or betrayal. Very quickly a problem of diction arose to complicate such discussion. Several types of Love exist even the Greeks knew this. English has a weakness in philosophy.
The discussion carried into debate, a tussling of ideas and a challenge of pride. The discussion ended with this. “Love is indescribable.” That statement, when thought about, is a paradox. The word indescribable is an attempt to explain a matter when words and language fail, how can one express an idea with a word that explains it can’t be done using words. Now with that being said; I have already gone longer then I desired so I must stop now and continue later. In the next few posts, I shall consider aspects of Love my mind can attempt to fathom.
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