“The summer always seems to go rather quickly,” people always say; it just flies by. Currently I reside in Tampa Florida with a nice family who has taken me in for the next 9 weeks. I am working at a small recovering church recently renamed Discovery Christian Church in hopes to lay down a brighter future in spite of the strenuous past. I am not sure what to expect from this summer, what lessons to learn, what about ministry I need to understand but I hope that God can use me and let me grow. Things never seem to happen as I plan them and if they do then great. This summer I live away from my home, my family, my friends, and my normal everyday life. What will happen? I do not know but I expect great things.
Moses never had things go the way he would have planned them. He grew up under the care of the pharaoh escaping the slaughtering of the innocence, a Hebrew amongst Egyptians, living as an Egyptian. Then around the age of 40, kills a guard for attacking a Hebrew and fleeing into the desert to escape retribution. There he becomes a lowly shepherd tending to sheep and marries a local girl. Then does that for another 40 years until a burning bush begins to talk. Commissioned by God he returns to his “home” land and demands his people be let go. Only After devastating Egypt with ten plagues and at the death of Pharaoh’s own son does Ramesses II (Pharaoh) relinquish his assertion over the slaves. God used Moses to accomplish greatness for his predestined people.
I sometimes wonder what could possibly happen this summer, what I might learn, who I could meet. When will I come across the next burning bush? God used the unexpected to change the course of history. Only he knows whom he will use next. This summer I look forward to the unexpected, when I find it, I will look for greatness. Right now I am just expecting a summer job but who knows what God could do with a college student, a staff of three, and a small congregation.