Have you ever looked at the world in horror? I mean when you take the time to sit down and turn on your local news station how can you not? Every day the hatred and evils of men are displayed for all the world to see and like a frightened helpless sheep you cower on your sofa and wonder what the world is coming too. For man has done all evil deeds and has thought up new ways to accomplish evil. If a scientist from another world or an ignorant being in order to learn more about the human race were to study the natures of man what would it find? Would this “being” be able to witness the good amongst all the corrupt, or classify us all as a species bent on the path of self-destruction?
The simplest of questions in life are always the hardest to answer; what is the soul, does God exist, why, and where do babies come from? The question I ask sometimes and wonder about comes from desperation to not lose faith in the next Generation of “bastards.” I promise I normally do not use swear words however this phrase serves a purpose. According to my dictionary another use for the word can refer to (of a thing) no longer in its pure or original form. The question I ask myself is, are people naturally evil and born with evil inside of them?
About a year ago I attended Sunday school at my home church and the lesson came from Matthew 18 and some how or another the instructor wondered into the discussion about people being separated from God at birth. I was not so quick to let this comment go by. I asked if he believed in original sin and he basically ended up saying yes in the end. I found it hard falling into sync with his idea about the human condition. To say that people enter this world already in sin, equals the plea that people are predestined damned. You can say that because if you believe that people are born with sin then with out their choice they are already damned and are without a chance to resist sin. More importantly the person can plea an excuse to the mighty creator on judgment day and Romans one tells us otherwise. For those who believe in original sin I would like them to explain to the parents of a dead infant exactly where that infant will go. If they are born with sin and then die with out chance to plea for forgiveness for the state they had no choice of being in then according to the justness of God are sentenced to death for eternity. I do admit that the infants are born into a fallen world. Since the world is physical that physical infant is therefore tied to the same fate of that world. Yes, if they survive to a state to realize their fallen ness then they have the chance to respond to God’s call and receive grace in the end but there is no chance for them to be obedient from the beginning. Now with this said it leads me into my point.
I have to think, to believe, and have faith that the people of this world are naturally good and not evil. I even say this about the devil himself. By naturally I mean from the beginning. This is why; the creator exemplifies all goodness and is impervious to evil. God cannot create evil. To do so would be a direct opposite of his own will and God only serves his will and rightfully so. God is pure love and good, what evil can come from pure good, its preposterous to think so. Now, when an innocent infant enters the world I believe with all my heart that this new baby comes without sin and is pure good.
So then how does evil enter into what is good? Romans talks about this as well as my senior patron C.S. Lewis in his awesome book “Mere Christianity.” People chose evil over good. Maybe not realizing it at first or maybe like Adam and Eve are tricked into it, yet it never fails, people turn from God to pursue their own wishes. In doing so they ignore the natural knowledge of right from wrong inside themselves and over the course of life train themselves to ignore that conscience with in them. They pervert the truth into a lie and follow their now blemished hearts desires to what is evil. This is all possible with free will; again something designed to exalt God by choosing his love now used against him by man and man now is consumed by evil. So this brings me back to the beginning. The world we live in today, the horrors that filter through our TV’s and shake us into fear is a product of our own choice to seek out evil. Every person now has two paths to follow. Two paths to chose from, good and evil. Unfortunately we chose evil over good and because of that people say we are naturally evil. That is just not the truth; we pervert the truth because we don’t know how to chose good anymore. Some follow into evil further then others to the point every nature about them is evil. A perfect example is the devil. He has followed so far that every thing about him, which was once good and perfect, is now the opposite of his creator.
This generation will give birth to the next and so on till the return of Christ. Each generation will give themselves over to evil, not that they were evil from birth but at some point become influenced by the prior generation and tricked into doing wrong becoming bastards, an object no longer in its pure original state. For this reason I am ashamed, scared, sad, and angry and you who have a glimmer of truth left should too, but fear not, there is hope.
To be continued…
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