“There is no one righteous, not even one;
There is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.
All have turned away; they have together become worthless;
There is no one who does good, not even one.”
(Romans 3:10b-12)
These verses scare me. Every time I read this section of Romans I get so depressed. I just can’t believe taking these words for their literal meaning, if I do then I am forced to impose it on myself and I love to think I am a good guy, a moral person, even a good Christian. I like to forget about this passage and go on living as if I fulfilled the meaning of perfection and have everyone look at me in aw. I am totally aware of the fact that I have fallen from God, and by doing so I deserve to die eternally. You know, this passage could even drive a person mad with anger and frustration because the resolution of it means that we could never come close to seeking God even when we believe otherwise. After countless hours of study, years of school, money, worship, and prayer I find that I still fail to seek God daily. Well let me go end my life now to finish my frustration. If any person opened the Bible to this page and read only these passages they would shut it thinking that Religion leads to a lost cause and therefore frivolous, I pray this never happens. In light of these harsh words, Paul points out that in my transgressions, because of my sins I disobeyed his law and deserve death in the gravest of meaning. Despite Paul’s tantalizing words I know he goes on to make a point of a deeper meaning and instead of depression my joy is made complete.
“As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins,… but because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved.”
(Ephesians 2:1,4)
This passage reassures me. Instead of the guilt and anger I find joy when I read this passage. Grace can be hard to explain. The preacher today at my church gave this analogy.
A high school biology professor started of his class a little different one day seeing that it was exam day. All the students sat in their seats and opened their books to the chapters of the examination. The professor began a quick review over the chapters before handing out the exam. All the students did great at answering the questions, all participated and it was every teacher’s dream of the perfect class. Yet as the review began to wind down the material he came to no one knew. All the students began to panic and race through worry in their anxious thoughts. A student raised his hand and asked, “We didn’t cover this in class how did we know to study for it?” The professor responded, “You were responsible for everything covered in the chapters.” The review ended and the professor began to pass out the exam, face down. He told everyone not to start until everyone received it and he gave the go ahead. When the professor acknowledge to start, every student flipped over the exam worrying about how awful they would do. To every student’s surprise their names were written at the top of each exam in read and every correct answer already circled. They looked at him puzzled, and he responded with this, “I had mercy on you and gave you grace, I took the exam for you because unlike you I knew all the answers so because of me everyone of you passed with a 100 percent.” The class was dismissed.
Yes, I know I deserve the worst, but in light of God’s mercy he acted by taking the test himself and he passed with flying colors. In his death, all of your sins and my sins have been forgiven and in his resurrection bestowed life to all who accepted his gift of forgiveness. Do not find anguish in the guilt of your transgressions; instead find all happiness. Make your joy complete in God’s grace because it is the gift no one deserves, but in God’s love delivered it to us through the cross. Amen.
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