The darkest of all times comes when men stand against men, abandoning all other notions, and for the plumb reason of orders strikes down members of mankind. No, I say with great fortune that I have not witness war or its graphic result in the flesh. And I am not some liberal giving yet another disillusioned claim that this or any war’s intention is wrong nor do I like to write about politics in which everyone who has always seems to have “the right” opinion. This war I speak of reaches further into history then September 11th, the 60s or 1941, and the history of this Republic or its discoverers. I speak of the war that rages between two forces unseen but played out in our daily lives. No I am not also speaking of God and his angel Lucifer per say, that score is settled all that remains is to sweep up the aftermath. The one I speak of we all are soldiers in.
C.S. Lewis, my senior patron, (as Dr. Bridges would say) in many books uses war to describe the battle between good and evil. It has a way of making expressions come to life and gain deeper meaning. C.S. Lewis is not the only one to use this metaphor. The Apostle Paul used it in his letter to the Romans.
“We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do-this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.
So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law’ but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord!
So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin. (Romans 7:14-25. NIV)”
Many scholars argue about from what perspective Paul writes this piece, whether it depicts the struggle of all new Christians, the Jews struggling with their transformation to Christianity at the time, the history of Israel, or Paul himself. Frankly I do not care what writing stylistic idea you may hold, what does it matter? The message applies to all perspectives. I have been a student of Christ since 1995, I can tell you that no matter what level of maturity I have obtained this inner self conflict has always been present and prevalent. A war that rages on between what we know to be righteous and the desires of the flesh. It is easy for me to get lost in these simple but flabbergasting words from Romans. The idea may be this; no line is drawn separating good people and bad people. The citizens of mankind, even the Christians, have bad and good in them. The good inherited by the creator and the bad welcomed in by our lustful appetites. Whichever one we chose determines the law we follow. More simply, it decides our master. Martin Luther would dash around his room at night in rage about his evil thoughts and cursing himself and Lucifer. Like a mad man he argued with himself yet maybe his understanding of his condition has surpassed what I or we seem to comprehend. He hated evil so consequently hated the part of himself that desired evil. Not recognizing the war exists at all, ignorance of its presence or necessity bears down on many including myself many times. In this case ignorance does not equal bliss. Concentrating on what we hate about one ourselves does not seem to overcome it. The problem of our pain surpasses that of creation because of our intuitive minds, we focus on our suffering. Instead, in order to win, to defeat our own mind games, to no longer observe evil we must learn to focus on what separates us from wickedness, for we know Love. Evil will always exist in my members capturing me when I lax my guard, fortunately a greater force, preceding evil, also fights for me. If I look for the evil in myself I will surely find it, accomplish nothing to suppress it, and finally become imprisoned by it. Instead dwell on the Good, his name is Yahweh.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
The Disturbance of Suffering: my sermon on pain [sermon notes]
“The Son of God suffered unto Death, not that men might not suffer, but that their suffering might be like his.” – George Macdonald.
A cold and stormy night I hid beneath my ultimate protection, but sometimes even that gave way and I was forced to abandon my fortified bed and go to my parents. This particular night the thunder shook the house and the lightning made the room as bright as day. The rain batted against the window and ceiling like a constant wave of sand. It wasn’t that I was afraid of the storm as I was the house being struck by lightning and be fried in my sleep.
Even so I had to leave my safety zone to seek refuge in my parents.
Biblical Story Genesis 22:1-19
Back Story:
Covenant between God and Abraham…
Miracle Birth
He only had one son.
He must sacrifice his son
Intense pain
What possible good would ever come from this.
Some times you just have to ask why.
None the less, Abraham obeyed God and headed out with Isaac, without telling Isaac what he was planning to do.
Personal Story: Erin and Michael
I want to tell you about my Sister Erin.
As children, she acted like a 2nd mother
She cooked and cleaned for Laura and I.
Most tenderhearted woman.
She married Michael in 2001 and after a year or so they planned to conceive.
They tried and tried and for whatever reason they couldn’t get pregnant.
They got tested and found that nothing was physically wrong with them it was in their head.
4 years ago My sister called from their home in little Georgetown OH to proclaim the good news. She was pregnant.
Oh the joy that was becoming of her.
She was ready to be a mom and wished and prayed for it so.
After being pregnant a couple of weeks she went to the doctor to get an ultra sound, they new they wouldn’t see much but to their alarm, they found nothing.
This wasn’t horrible news. Yet, it raised some questions.
A week later Dad and I went off to Summer camp, not far away in fact closer to where my sister lived.
On Wednesday my dad got a phone call. He rushed to my tent and in a panic and in fear demanded we leave at once. We sped east to the hospital to see my sister awaiting emergency surgery.
Erin lost the child.
Teaching on Suffering:
Have you ever asked yourself why me?
And it doesn’t have to be bad; you could be excited from something wonderful. Most often then not I ask myself this after something I am looking forward to goes awry.
Even at times when something goes wrong I lay up at night and my thoughts wonder to what previously occurred. I am sure everyone does it at times, wishing for another try or chance, possibly for her to say yes or thought you should have studied harder, and maybe even think you could have handled things better.
Or miss A loved one who has been taken by death. You may lay awake thinking about your suffering, part of life’s suffering is misery’s shadow lingering; not only do you suffer but you have to think about suffering.
Have you dared beat your chest and raise your fist in anger and shout to the heavens in your own anguish.
Storms come and rain on your parade and there is nothing you can do about it. You would just as soon control the rain or turn the tide before you gain all the wisdom of the world to handle such situations.
I can’t prove this with statistics or find it any book I know of, yet I would say that more people either come to the faith or fall away because of this reason above all; the disturbance of suffering.
Now there are two forms of sufferings observed by man, the physical and the psychological. Let it be known That I shall deal more with the later.
C.S. Lewis writes an amazing book about pain entitled the problem of pain. He brings to light a critical truth about the problem of pain. You see, people have a problem reconciling human suffering with a loving God so long as we attach a trivial meaning to the word Love and look things as if man were the center of them. If God was all good and all powerful he would wish his creation to be all good and it of course is not. Therefore God lacks either goodness or power. This is the problem of pain.
You see God uses Times of suffering to teach and grow us.
If you allow yourself to recount your sufferings, did you not learn more about faith while suffering then any other time?
It has been said that ; “blessings are God’s whispers, he speaks in our conscience, but shouts to us in our suffering.”
Suffering becomes the only way to realize our stagnate spiritual self. Pain is unmasked and every person knows when something is not right when they are hurting. Pain insists upon being attended to.
So when you travel down this line of thought you come to the idea, why do I or someone suffer when others don’t? It isn’t fair
I know suffering is exhausting and pain hurts. That is why it is called pain and suffering. If there were an escape a person of great wisdom and foresight would have done it already. Yet Discipleship demands such trials to compel us towards salvation.
Read Hebrews 2:10
In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering.
Hebrews deals a lot in discipleship
Suffering becomes synonymous with discipleship.
I began to wonder then if suffering is a good thing. I thought if the bible talks about it so much then maybe I should look for it. I was wrong. You see, suffering is not by itself good. What is good is the sufferer’s submission to God’s will.
Jesus’ suffering:
At the center of all Discussion of suffering there is Christ
those resounding words… Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani – which means: “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”
How could Jesus say something which appears offensive?
Because in his suffering he remained obedient and not venture from the Lord’s Will.
Jesus is quoting Psalm 22
•Read excerpts.
Psalm 22
This psalm is the first of the passional psalms.
It reads as if it were written at the foot of the cross.
The sufferer here trusted in the Lord. He knew that God could deliver him. In patient trust he accepted his lot as the will of God.
In spite of his pain and suffering or the mooching of men, the sufferer remained committed in faith to his father.
In verse 22 the writer changes tones. He changes from his suffering to the praise of God. [read vs. 15-25]
Focus on those verses.
Cross imagery.
This is why Jesus was forsaken
Hebrews 2:10-11 [read]
The thing about suffering is that people become blinded by their pain and lose sight of the Lord. In their blindness they are tested, remember God allows this because he loves you, for in your pain you are compelled.
Personal Story: ending
On the way to the hospital we had more questions then answers. When we arrived My mom told us before we went in that Erin had a tubule pregnancy.
A tubule pregnancy is when the Baby is fertilized still in the fallopian tube. They didn’t know this happened because they couldn’t see it.
The tube burst so the baby was aborted but Erin had to have surgery to have it removed or she would die.
The nurse before taking Erin to the O.R said this: “I don’t know what you believe, but I think that if you have faith then you will wake up at the end of this suffering.”
After that the room was in tears, we joined hands and my dad prayed with 20 of us or more in the room. All family and friends.
Then I saw something. In the hall, Michael broke down and wept with his mother holding him. There was nothing I could do to stop my tears let alone his.
• All that was left was to wait.
Erin made it, she lost the use of one of her ovaries. And she went on for months in depression. After a time of grief she recovered and went back to pursing motherhood. She became blessed with Jacob and Justin Peters who are two of the most adorable children.
Biblical story: ending
Finish story
He had Isaac on the alter, then the angel came.
When ever I read this I always thought to myself, If God is omniscient He must have known what Abraham would have done without the experiment; why then this needless torture?
Not to long ago I realized at a better understanding. Whatever God knew Abraham did not know. He didn’t know his obedience would endure such a hardship. The reality of Abraham’s obedience was the act itself. It was not to prove obedience to God for God’s sake but for God to show Abraham how obedient he truly was.
On that cold night.
When I was a child I was scared of the storm but as I matured the storm became soothing after a long day of work.
The Son of God suffered unto Death. Not that men might not suffer, but that their suffering might be like His.”
“The Son of God suffered unto Death, not that men might not suffer, but that their suffering might be like his.” – George Macdonald.
A cold and stormy night I hid beneath my ultimate protection, but sometimes even that gave way and I was forced to abandon my fortified bed and go to my parents. This particular night the thunder shook the house and the lightning made the room as bright as day. The rain batted against the window and ceiling like a constant wave of sand. It wasn’t that I was afraid of the storm as I was the house being struck by lightning and be fried in my sleep.
Even so I had to leave my safety zone to seek refuge in my parents.
Biblical Story Genesis 22:1-19
Back Story:
Covenant between God and Abraham…
Miracle Birth
He only had one son.
He must sacrifice his son
Intense pain
What possible good would ever come from this.
Some times you just have to ask why.
None the less, Abraham obeyed God and headed out with Isaac, without telling Isaac what he was planning to do.
Personal Story: Erin and Michael
I want to tell you about my Sister Erin.
As children, she acted like a 2nd mother
She cooked and cleaned for Laura and I.
Most tenderhearted woman.
She married Michael in 2001 and after a year or so they planned to conceive.
They tried and tried and for whatever reason they couldn’t get pregnant.
They got tested and found that nothing was physically wrong with them it was in their head.
4 years ago My sister called from their home in little Georgetown OH to proclaim the good news. She was pregnant.
Oh the joy that was becoming of her.
She was ready to be a mom and wished and prayed for it so.
After being pregnant a couple of weeks she went to the doctor to get an ultra sound, they new they wouldn’t see much but to their alarm, they found nothing.
This wasn’t horrible news. Yet, it raised some questions.
A week later Dad and I went off to Summer camp, not far away in fact closer to where my sister lived.
On Wednesday my dad got a phone call. He rushed to my tent and in a panic and in fear demanded we leave at once. We sped east to the hospital to see my sister awaiting emergency surgery.
Erin lost the child.
Teaching on Suffering:
Have you ever asked yourself why me?
And it doesn’t have to be bad; you could be excited from something wonderful. Most often then not I ask myself this after something I am looking forward to goes awry.
Even at times when something goes wrong I lay up at night and my thoughts wonder to what previously occurred. I am sure everyone does it at times, wishing for another try or chance, possibly for her to say yes or thought you should have studied harder, and maybe even think you could have handled things better.
Or miss A loved one who has been taken by death. You may lay awake thinking about your suffering, part of life’s suffering is misery’s shadow lingering; not only do you suffer but you have to think about suffering.
Have you dared beat your chest and raise your fist in anger and shout to the heavens in your own anguish.
Storms come and rain on your parade and there is nothing you can do about it. You would just as soon control the rain or turn the tide before you gain all the wisdom of the world to handle such situations.
I can’t prove this with statistics or find it any book I know of, yet I would say that more people either come to the faith or fall away because of this reason above all; the disturbance of suffering.
Now there are two forms of sufferings observed by man, the physical and the psychological. Let it be known That I shall deal more with the later.
C.S. Lewis writes an amazing book about pain entitled the problem of pain. He brings to light a critical truth about the problem of pain. You see, people have a problem reconciling human suffering with a loving God so long as we attach a trivial meaning to the word Love and look things as if man were the center of them. If God was all good and all powerful he would wish his creation to be all good and it of course is not. Therefore God lacks either goodness or power. This is the problem of pain.
You see God uses Times of suffering to teach and grow us.
If you allow yourself to recount your sufferings, did you not learn more about faith while suffering then any other time?
It has been said that ; “blessings are God’s whispers, he speaks in our conscience, but shouts to us in our suffering.”
Suffering becomes the only way to realize our stagnate spiritual self. Pain is unmasked and every person knows when something is not right when they are hurting. Pain insists upon being attended to.
So when you travel down this line of thought you come to the idea, why do I or someone suffer when others don’t? It isn’t fair
I know suffering is exhausting and pain hurts. That is why it is called pain and suffering. If there were an escape a person of great wisdom and foresight would have done it already. Yet Discipleship demands such trials to compel us towards salvation.
Read Hebrews 2:10
In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering.
Hebrews deals a lot in discipleship
Suffering becomes synonymous with discipleship.
I began to wonder then if suffering is a good thing. I thought if the bible talks about it so much then maybe I should look for it. I was wrong. You see, suffering is not by itself good. What is good is the sufferer’s submission to God’s will.
Jesus’ suffering:
At the center of all Discussion of suffering there is Christ
those resounding words… Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani – which means: “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”
How could Jesus say something which appears offensive?
Because in his suffering he remained obedient and not venture from the Lord’s Will.
Jesus is quoting Psalm 22
•Read excerpts.
Psalm 22
This psalm is the first of the passional psalms.
It reads as if it were written at the foot of the cross.
The sufferer here trusted in the Lord. He knew that God could deliver him. In patient trust he accepted his lot as the will of God.
In spite of his pain and suffering or the mooching of men, the sufferer remained committed in faith to his father.
In verse 22 the writer changes tones. He changes from his suffering to the praise of God. [read vs. 15-25]
Focus on those verses.
Cross imagery.
This is why Jesus was forsaken
Hebrews 2:10-11 [read]
The thing about suffering is that people become blinded by their pain and lose sight of the Lord. In their blindness they are tested, remember God allows this because he loves you, for in your pain you are compelled.
Personal Story: ending
On the way to the hospital we had more questions then answers. When we arrived My mom told us before we went in that Erin had a tubule pregnancy.
A tubule pregnancy is when the Baby is fertilized still in the fallopian tube. They didn’t know this happened because they couldn’t see it.
The tube burst so the baby was aborted but Erin had to have surgery to have it removed or she would die.
The nurse before taking Erin to the O.R said this: “I don’t know what you believe, but I think that if you have faith then you will wake up at the end of this suffering.”
After that the room was in tears, we joined hands and my dad prayed with 20 of us or more in the room. All family and friends.
Then I saw something. In the hall, Michael broke down and wept with his mother holding him. There was nothing I could do to stop my tears let alone his.
• All that was left was to wait.
Erin made it, she lost the use of one of her ovaries. And she went on for months in depression. After a time of grief she recovered and went back to pursing motherhood. She became blessed with Jacob and Justin Peters who are two of the most adorable children.
Biblical story: ending
Finish story
He had Isaac on the alter, then the angel came.
When ever I read this I always thought to myself, If God is omniscient He must have known what Abraham would have done without the experiment; why then this needless torture?
Not to long ago I realized at a better understanding. Whatever God knew Abraham did not know. He didn’t know his obedience would endure such a hardship. The reality of Abraham’s obedience was the act itself. It was not to prove obedience to God for God’s sake but for God to show Abraham how obedient he truly was.
On that cold night.
When I was a child I was scared of the storm but as I matured the storm became soothing after a long day of work.
The Son of God suffered unto Death. Not that men might not suffer, but that their suffering might be like His.”
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Thundering Upsets
Have you ever asked yourself why me? And it doesn’t have to be bad; you could be excited from something wonderful. Most often then not I ask myself this after something I am looking forward to goes awry. Even at times when something goes wrong I lay up at night and my thoughts wonder to what previously occurred. I am sure everyone does it at times, wishing for another try or chance, possibly for her to say yes or thought you should have studied harder, and maybe even think you could have handled things better. Storms come and rain on your parade and there is nothing you can do about it. You would just as soon control the rain or turn the tide before you gain all the wisdom of the world to handle such situations. I have been hitting some dead end roads lately if you haven’t noticed. I do not wish to share at this time the particulars just know the results. Frustration does not even begin to describe the feelings that I sometimes lose control of. When your hopes and feelings get caught up in an idea of something beautiful your heart races, palms sweat, and you really can’t sit still or keep from shaking your hands. Then when the opposite, your stomach feels like it just fell from your body, the heart still races but from anguish and everyone around you knows by the grave look that sweeps across your face without control. I can’t explain why things seem to have not gone my way, but I know that no other choice remains but to carry on. Put on this happy visage like nothing keeps me down and be that colorful character everyone loves to share laughter with. When I begin to sink into a sulky outlook on my somewhat pathetic circumstance, with out reason or incentive, I remember the words of the wise tropical fish Dori from Finding Nemo; “just keep swimming.” No other option appears viable or plausible. The only way to track through what seems like mud is to keep working towards what I know is good and that is God. That may seem cheesy or cliché to you yet I know trust is faith and faith births perseverance, perseverance arrives at hope and the only thing left is Love. So now, even though my spirit is low I look towards grey skies and not only uncertainty but anticipation wondering what rainstorm may come my way, and I quote one of my favorite movies; “God is in the rain.” The only thing I can pray for is that one of these storms will grow roots for something long lasting and not another disappointing mud bath. I don’t know if this has made any since to you, I’m not sure if it does to me but walk away with this, even though things don’t always go the way you plan if you get caught up in the immediate depression you may miss the chance to strengthen in character and wisdom. Thunder when you’re a child frightens you but when maturity sets in you find it soothing when resting after a long day of work.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Curse Our "Pride and Prejudice"
I can not believe what I am about to tell you, when you hear I’m sure you will no longer look at me the same and may never again view me as the dominating strong man that I know everyone sees when they look my direction. Through my youth my mother spooned fed us kids all sorts of novels. Novels that guys should not read. All I need to say is one name, Jane Austin. It gets worse, she also read books to us like The Secret Garden and Jane Eyre. While in youth Erin, Laura, and I sat on our parents King size bed and talk for hours and on several occasions Mom read to us from what ever book she had her nose in that time. She loves to read so it was no bother to her. Yet all of this may not shock you, but this will. I love Pride and Prejudice. The Proud Mr. Darcy, and the Prejudice Eliza Bennett beautifully carry out a battle of wits to prove to the other what they themselves subconsciously are. In the midst of the grave quarrel between the two destine lovers Mr. Darcy unveils his “folly” to the “pair of fine eyes” Elizabeth. He so boldly proclaims, “I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others or their offences against me. My good opinion once lost is lost forever.”
The sins pride and prejudice really go hand in hand. One cannot exist without the other. Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice displays this impulse perfectly through these two characters, not only does it take a strong hold on the perspective of life but it controls and twists lives. Not only those lives of the proud and of the prejudice, but everyone closely related to them. At some point a person’s iniquities spills over and impinges on those even most precious to them. Pride is a vast and complicated sin to defeat; no one can ever overcome its grasp, for me if I achieved flawless modesty I would discover myself boasting in my meekness. So to avoid the limitless complication in describing pride I want to focus on what Darcy said. “I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others or their offense against me. My good opinion once lost is lost forever.”
In the past two years I realized I share the same view as Darcy. I discovered after someone offended me I could not forgive them and held bitterness long after the offence took place. Once they (whoever that may be) did something to compromise my stature and ridicule me they no longer had any worth and disserved to get thrown out. This may seem worse; I sometimes looked for reasons to despise a person. I know this view leaves a distasteful reflection of my Christianity and for this reason I apologize to those I retaliated against with unrighteous anger and those who did not deserve it I beg for your mercy. This problem of mine derives from my pride that I need to swallow and look upon people with Love and not an arrogant demeanor. Even the great Mr. Darcy and the lovely Elizabeth Bennett could find a way to put their arrogant presuppositions aside and find an appeal in the other. Jesus said the greatest commandment is “Love your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and the second is similar to the first. Love your Neighbor as yourself.” The later of these I am finding most difficult to accomplish. Curse our pride and prejudices.
Also, happy birthday Dad!
The sins pride and prejudice really go hand in hand. One cannot exist without the other. Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice displays this impulse perfectly through these two characters, not only does it take a strong hold on the perspective of life but it controls and twists lives. Not only those lives of the proud and of the prejudice, but everyone closely related to them. At some point a person’s iniquities spills over and impinges on those even most precious to them. Pride is a vast and complicated sin to defeat; no one can ever overcome its grasp, for me if I achieved flawless modesty I would discover myself boasting in my meekness. So to avoid the limitless complication in describing pride I want to focus on what Darcy said. “I find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others or their offense against me. My good opinion once lost is lost forever.”
In the past two years I realized I share the same view as Darcy. I discovered after someone offended me I could not forgive them and held bitterness long after the offence took place. Once they (whoever that may be) did something to compromise my stature and ridicule me they no longer had any worth and disserved to get thrown out. This may seem worse; I sometimes looked for reasons to despise a person. I know this view leaves a distasteful reflection of my Christianity and for this reason I apologize to those I retaliated against with unrighteous anger and those who did not deserve it I beg for your mercy. This problem of mine derives from my pride that I need to swallow and look upon people with Love and not an arrogant demeanor. Even the great Mr. Darcy and the lovely Elizabeth Bennett could find a way to put their arrogant presuppositions aside and find an appeal in the other. Jesus said the greatest commandment is “Love your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and the second is similar to the first. Love your Neighbor as yourself.” The later of these I am finding most difficult to accomplish. Curse our pride and prejudices.
Also, happy birthday Dad!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Simply Grace
“There is no one righteous, not even one;
There is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.
All have turned away; they have together become worthless;
There is no one who does good, not even one.”
(Romans 3:10b-12)
These verses scare me. Every time I read this section of Romans I get so depressed. I just can’t believe taking these words for their literal meaning, if I do then I am forced to impose it on myself and I love to think I am a good guy, a moral person, even a good Christian. I like to forget about this passage and go on living as if I fulfilled the meaning of perfection and have everyone look at me in aw. I am totally aware of the fact that I have fallen from God, and by doing so I deserve to die eternally. You know, this passage could even drive a person mad with anger and frustration because the resolution of it means that we could never come close to seeking God even when we believe otherwise. After countless hours of study, years of school, money, worship, and prayer I find that I still fail to seek God daily. Well let me go end my life now to finish my frustration. If any person opened the Bible to this page and read only these passages they would shut it thinking that Religion leads to a lost cause and therefore frivolous, I pray this never happens. In light of these harsh words, Paul points out that in my transgressions, because of my sins I disobeyed his law and deserve death in the gravest of meaning. Despite Paul’s tantalizing words I know he goes on to make a point of a deeper meaning and instead of depression my joy is made complete.
“As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins,… but because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved.”
(Ephesians 2:1,4)
This passage reassures me. Instead of the guilt and anger I find joy when I read this passage. Grace can be hard to explain. The preacher today at my church gave this analogy.
A high school biology professor started of his class a little different one day seeing that it was exam day. All the students sat in their seats and opened their books to the chapters of the examination. The professor began a quick review over the chapters before handing out the exam. All the students did great at answering the questions, all participated and it was every teacher’s dream of the perfect class. Yet as the review began to wind down the material he came to no one knew. All the students began to panic and race through worry in their anxious thoughts. A student raised his hand and asked, “We didn’t cover this in class how did we know to study for it?” The professor responded, “You were responsible for everything covered in the chapters.” The review ended and the professor began to pass out the exam, face down. He told everyone not to start until everyone received it and he gave the go ahead. When the professor acknowledge to start, every student flipped over the exam worrying about how awful they would do. To every student’s surprise their names were written at the top of each exam in read and every correct answer already circled. They looked at him puzzled, and he responded with this, “I had mercy on you and gave you grace, I took the exam for you because unlike you I knew all the answers so because of me everyone of you passed with a 100 percent.” The class was dismissed.
Yes, I know I deserve the worst, but in light of God’s mercy he acted by taking the test himself and he passed with flying colors. In his death, all of your sins and my sins have been forgiven and in his resurrection bestowed life to all who accepted his gift of forgiveness. Do not find anguish in the guilt of your transgressions; instead find all happiness. Make your joy complete in God’s grace because it is the gift no one deserves, but in God’s love delivered it to us through the cross. Amen.
There is no one who understands, no one who seeks God.
All have turned away; they have together become worthless;
There is no one who does good, not even one.”
(Romans 3:10b-12)
These verses scare me. Every time I read this section of Romans I get so depressed. I just can’t believe taking these words for their literal meaning, if I do then I am forced to impose it on myself and I love to think I am a good guy, a moral person, even a good Christian. I like to forget about this passage and go on living as if I fulfilled the meaning of perfection and have everyone look at me in aw. I am totally aware of the fact that I have fallen from God, and by doing so I deserve to die eternally. You know, this passage could even drive a person mad with anger and frustration because the resolution of it means that we could never come close to seeking God even when we believe otherwise. After countless hours of study, years of school, money, worship, and prayer I find that I still fail to seek God daily. Well let me go end my life now to finish my frustration. If any person opened the Bible to this page and read only these passages they would shut it thinking that Religion leads to a lost cause and therefore frivolous, I pray this never happens. In light of these harsh words, Paul points out that in my transgressions, because of my sins I disobeyed his law and deserve death in the gravest of meaning. Despite Paul’s tantalizing words I know he goes on to make a point of a deeper meaning and instead of depression my joy is made complete.
“As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins,… but because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved.”
(Ephesians 2:1,4)
This passage reassures me. Instead of the guilt and anger I find joy when I read this passage. Grace can be hard to explain. The preacher today at my church gave this analogy.
A high school biology professor started of his class a little different one day seeing that it was exam day. All the students sat in their seats and opened their books to the chapters of the examination. The professor began a quick review over the chapters before handing out the exam. All the students did great at answering the questions, all participated and it was every teacher’s dream of the perfect class. Yet as the review began to wind down the material he came to no one knew. All the students began to panic and race through worry in their anxious thoughts. A student raised his hand and asked, “We didn’t cover this in class how did we know to study for it?” The professor responded, “You were responsible for everything covered in the chapters.” The review ended and the professor began to pass out the exam, face down. He told everyone not to start until everyone received it and he gave the go ahead. When the professor acknowledge to start, every student flipped over the exam worrying about how awful they would do. To every student’s surprise their names were written at the top of each exam in read and every correct answer already circled. They looked at him puzzled, and he responded with this, “I had mercy on you and gave you grace, I took the exam for you because unlike you I knew all the answers so because of me everyone of you passed with a 100 percent.” The class was dismissed.
Yes, I know I deserve the worst, but in light of God’s mercy he acted by taking the test himself and he passed with flying colors. In his death, all of your sins and my sins have been forgiven and in his resurrection bestowed life to all who accepted his gift of forgiveness. Do not find anguish in the guilt of your transgressions; instead find all happiness. Make your joy complete in God’s grace because it is the gift no one deserves, but in God’s love delivered it to us through the cross. Amen.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Long Distance Relationships...
I have come to despise long distance relationships. I myself once had a long distance relationship with my girlfriend at the time. I shall say first, difficulty does not bear the meaning of the term. Frustration seeps in and corrupts each other’s thoughts. Then if that didn’t seem like enough, after time you begin to feel separated emotionally. Without the physical presence of the other intimacy and love become stress instead of virtues. Temptation draws each other away to other enticing prospects; it just seems easier to give in and abandon then to continuously work out the Love. Our long distance relationship did not end well for us, and even though we seek reconciliation with one another, after a long separation the bond that once shared love will doubtfully be remade.
I envy the biblical writers and witnesses who could enjoy Christ’s teachings and live where he lived and walked where he walked. God’s manifestation in Christ seems that if I could only live when Jesus did I may share a closer bond with God for this reason, I can see the works of God manifested in a mere man and bask in his glory. Unfortunately, I may never have that honor and am forced to have a relationship that seems so distant. I can never place my hands on his robe or have him wipe the tears from my eyes. I can never see the passion that exploded from his words, which shook the foundations of fisherman.
The Gospel of John 1 reads;
In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. He was with God in the beginning… the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and only, who came from the father full of grace and truth.
The word became flesh and dwelled with men. Those beautiful words of poetry barely justify the meaning and act they represent. God came to us and lived where we live so that we may live with him for eternity. If only I lived then and witness the life and light that was the word. Now he returned to his home in heaven and I endure a relationship that spans dimensions. Such an idea seems ludicrous. Because he lived so long ago sometimes it seems he never came at all and I find myself praying to a being that I forget experienced what I experience. Every temptation and every suffering I go through Jesus endured and suffered through as well. I want to reach out and clasp his cloak and weep at his feet but how impossible it seems to practice a relationship with someone I have never met. This frustrates me especially while I suffer.
I loathe long distance relationships yet despite my frustrations and doubt I continue to work out this relationship and continue to strive for a connection that endures the sufferings of life. It seems so similar to a long distance relationship but where my ex and I failed God succeeded. The relationship rests on my shoulders, I pray for strength to endure this lifetime of separation and live by hope to one day dwell with the word who is God.
I envy the biblical writers and witnesses who could enjoy Christ’s teachings and live where he lived and walked where he walked. God’s manifestation in Christ seems that if I could only live when Jesus did I may share a closer bond with God for this reason, I can see the works of God manifested in a mere man and bask in his glory. Unfortunately, I may never have that honor and am forced to have a relationship that seems so distant. I can never place my hands on his robe or have him wipe the tears from my eyes. I can never see the passion that exploded from his words, which shook the foundations of fisherman.
The Gospel of John 1 reads;
In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. He was with God in the beginning… the word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and only, who came from the father full of grace and truth.
The word became flesh and dwelled with men. Those beautiful words of poetry barely justify the meaning and act they represent. God came to us and lived where we live so that we may live with him for eternity. If only I lived then and witness the life and light that was the word. Now he returned to his home in heaven and I endure a relationship that spans dimensions. Such an idea seems ludicrous. Because he lived so long ago sometimes it seems he never came at all and I find myself praying to a being that I forget experienced what I experience. Every temptation and every suffering I go through Jesus endured and suffered through as well. I want to reach out and clasp his cloak and weep at his feet but how impossible it seems to practice a relationship with someone I have never met. This frustrates me especially while I suffer.
I loathe long distance relationships yet despite my frustrations and doubt I continue to work out this relationship and continue to strive for a connection that endures the sufferings of life. It seems so similar to a long distance relationship but where my ex and I failed God succeeded. The relationship rests on my shoulders, I pray for strength to endure this lifetime of separation and live by hope to one day dwell with the word who is God.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Right and Wrong, Truth and Lie. (more on the law)
I want to talk about the simple nature of Right and wrong or good and evil. This understanding creates the foundation of Christian beliefs. Do you comprehend that because good exists so does the option of evil? Yet evil cannot result unless someone establishes goodness. God accomplished this; every act of God results with righteousness. The two do not disagree, and cannot secede. Romans read, “Because law brings wrath. Where there is no law there is no transgression” (Rom 4:15) If simple goodness didn’t exist then how could evil exist? We never could have rebelled to begin with if absolute goodness never dichotomized wrong from itself. Without good or right then how would a person identify an act as wrong or evil? Whenever any person deems a behavior wrong or bad this only happens because they base that judgment off of what they know as righteous. How do they know the righteous ways? I turn again to Romans.
In Romans 1:19 “since what may be known about God is plain to them because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.”
“Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the [Mosaic] Law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending” (Romans 2:14,15)
God shines through creation so that man can always have a link to righteousness for determining truth. Truth is not up for interpretation. Only one truth exists. To say otherwise means to undermine the very definition of the word. If everyone claims their own truth then it no longer becomes truth but relative ideas, and hopes of a unified law are lost. What possible Law shall dictate the natures of a life and bondage freedom of expression and choice? Love. Love written at the beginning of time by a being so unimaginable and perfect. This terrible dictation called God or worse Religion does not bring iron bondage but a freedom that liberates life for anyone who truly embraces his majesty. No dictation at all but a relationship. Those who ignore it follow in the footsteps of generations before just as Romans 1 states, “they gave the truth up for a lie.” Whether a person believes in God or not begins frivolous next to fact that the Law and its writer exist. He believes and hopes for everyone because of Love. Because of Adam and Eve, we know good as well as evil. This truth does not harm nor limit. This Law does not cause hate nor segregate. Instead when understood seperates evil from good and in the anguish of a fallen people shines love and direction to everyone willing to desire THE TRUTH.
In Romans 1:19 “since what may be known about God is plain to them because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.”
“Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the [Mosaic] Law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending” (Romans 2:14,15)
God shines through creation so that man can always have a link to righteousness for determining truth. Truth is not up for interpretation. Only one truth exists. To say otherwise means to undermine the very definition of the word. If everyone claims their own truth then it no longer becomes truth but relative ideas, and hopes of a unified law are lost. What possible Law shall dictate the natures of a life and bondage freedom of expression and choice? Love. Love written at the beginning of time by a being so unimaginable and perfect. This terrible dictation called God or worse Religion does not bring iron bondage but a freedom that liberates life for anyone who truly embraces his majesty. No dictation at all but a relationship. Those who ignore it follow in the footsteps of generations before just as Romans 1 states, “they gave the truth up for a lie.” Whether a person believes in God or not begins frivolous next to fact that the Law and its writer exist. He believes and hopes for everyone because of Love. Because of Adam and Eve, we know good as well as evil. This truth does not harm nor limit. This Law does not cause hate nor segregate. Instead when understood seperates evil from good and in the anguish of a fallen people shines love and direction to everyone willing to desire THE TRUTH.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Justice Demands a Law
If you have not read the post before this one then stop and read “Good or Evil?”
“Justice Demands A Law”
“Good or Evil?” Continued…
Hope still remains for all the wicked and evil that crowds our lives, invades our homes, and attacks our souls. This answer is simple to anyone who already has a glimmer of truth within them. For those who have the truth already this hope actually turns out not to be hope at all but a count down. A count down to the point when God says he has had enough and will sound the trumpets and gather his warriors and fight to have us released from our bondage that we imposed on ourselves. Now for those who have lost the way and forced the truth from your heart pay close attention for this Gospel is absolute and absolutely for you. Hope means you wish for something however it may or may not come to pass but with God, all things are absolutes.
But before I get into that take a step back and breathe. I want to talk about the simple nature of Right and wrong or good and evil. This is the most basic of basics about the simple truth. Are you aware that because good exists so does the chance of evil? Yet evil cannot come unless someone establishes goodness. Romans says, “Because law brings wrath. Where there is no law there is no transgression” (Rom 4:15) If simple goodness didn’t exist then how could there be evil? We never could have rebelled to begin with if absolute goodness never dichotomized right from wrong. And if good didn’t exist then how would you define what is evil, because what is wrong is opposite of what is right? Whenever any person says that an action or behavior is wrong or bad it is only because they base that judgment off of what they believe to be right. How do they know what is right? I turn again to Romans.
“Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the [Mosaic] Law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending” (Romans 2:14,15)
Also in Romans 1:19 “since what may be known about God is plain to them because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.”
Many scholars wonder as to how we are made in the image of God. Some would say the ability to think or have freewill. Others might pose the idea of being able to have relationships. Yet don’t animals and critters think about where to get food next and then decide what to do in order to feed? And some animals even share the same partner for their full lives. Can you read the mind of an animal to say otherwise? Granted all these qualities are God like and obviously so, God made them and put himself in all creation. Yet what makes us different I think is that he has laid on our consciences the ability to reason and decide right from wrong? A law if you will put in place to govern over his creation. If anyone else has a better idea then please share it with me for I am continuously seeking out better ways to understand God.
So where does this law get us? As I stated in my prior post the human race was tricked into doing evil by the serpent in the beginning but now we chose it over what is right. So this law that is instilled in us slowly but surely dissolves until we can no longer recall the difference and follow our own will. We have transgressed we have sinned. No matter what magnitude of sin we rank on our scale, sin is sin. Romans 6:23, “for the wages of sin is death…” By this statement we all deserve death because we all went out from good and became evil. We weren’t born evil but we chose it. God has never done wrong so for this reason he is empowered with the right to judge what is evil because without good there would be no evil. According to the law, what is evil will die and what is good will live. We are evil. Again I return to C.S. Lewis, for he can explain our condition because of this law better then I ever could.
“This is the terrible fix we are in. If the universe is not governed by an absolute goodness, then all our efforts are in the long run hopeless. But if it is, then we are making ourselves enemies to that goodness every day, and are not in the least likely to do any better tomorrow, and so our case is hopeless again. We cannot do without it, and we cannot do with it. God is the only comfort, He is also the supreme terror: the thing we most need and the thing we most want to hide from. He is our only possible ally, and we have made ourselves His enemies.”
By being enemies of God we share the same fate as the Devil himself and the devil prides himself in his accomplishments to lead astray God’s faithful. Every day he progresses towards his goal winning souls over to darkness and deceiving the innocent. He knows his fate yet lacks understanding. I began this post with hope remains and now comes the turn of the tide.
In death comes victory. God knew that the law stated that any traitor to the law must be given over to death to be sacrificed for their sins. The Old Testament talks about the Israelites making sacrifices to atone for their sins. Those sacrifices I say did provide forgiveness of sins much like a family can forgive a murderer on trial for killing a member of their family, but even though the family forgave them the punishment still had to be paid to the courts. This draws the line that separates Christianity from all other religions or faiths. No other religion that I am aware of provides a way to redeem the peoples of the earth. This is how the Christian God did just that. God made himself flesh. John 1:1,14, “…and the word was with God and the word was God…” “And the word became flesh.” God came and revealed himself as man taking human form and by doing so limited his power and gave up his golden throne for head aches, sprained ankles, unbearably hot days, put up with human ignorance, human arrogance, and instead of being served, served everyone else. In his life on earth he defeated all temptation and did not give in to sin. Jesus was innocent of any crime. We are guilty of several crimes so a debt is due. In order for our punishment to be taken from us someone who never committed a crime would need to be willing to lift that burden from us and place it on himself. Christ fulfilled this need. 1 Corinthians 5:21 reads; “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” Now, in this life people cannot achieve total righteousness, just as God cannot become sin. The idea is that for God the guilt in the end will not be placed on us but on Christ so that in God’s eyes we who are guilty are innocent and Jesus who is innocent receives the guilty verdict. For this reason Jesus died on the cross and in death served his punishment for our trespasses, and for this we are all justified, the whole world. We became automatically and immediately set free from our punishment. Every sin of every person is forgiven. Christ died for all sinners regardless if they know him or not. What the catch is we must respond to his act and those who respond will receive salvation and Jesus will take their responsibility of punishment on the Day of Judgment. If I have confused you at all know this, Christ wins and wins for you.
After our response we receive the PROMISE of salvation; salvation can only be given on the day when God judges us. So the gift of salvation is specially held for those who accept the Holy Spirit into their hearts and live out their lives in devotion to God. This is where our deaths come in. As I said, in our current state we cannot receive salvation during the living. Think about it. For this very reason God purged Adam and Eve from the garden. We must lose life to receive it. “And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever”” (Genesis 3:22). God had to send humanity into death so that we can escape the now fallen world. If Adam and Eve or any person lived forever then they could never be redeemed. We only receive salvation on the Day of Judgment because here and now our bodies are tainted; they are dirty, filthy, and tied to the fate of this world, which will be cleansed with fire. In our death we can finally receive our salvation!
So many people fear death and I can understand why, it is scary, unknown and possibly painful, but look at what greatness has come from the unknown. Christ died for you and I because of love. A love that put his glory aside so that Greatness would dwell amongst men. Yet the greatness was overlooked and instead was spit on by those who claimed righteous. In God’s death and our death we reunite and once again; all that once was, may be again. All that was blemished will be made new and righteous. Pursue the path of righteousness, and instead of the truth being forgotten the perversion of purity will be broken, now for this reason love God!
Those who live a life in devotion towards Christ and His father will live. This digs at the heart of Paul’s Gospel and the very thesis of his letter to the Romans. “The Righteous will live by faith” (Romans 1:17b). So the hope of the world, all the lost souls, those without faith, those in darkness, and those who have twisted the truth into a lie, lay in the hands of all Christians. The truth that Christians hold is power, and we have a responsibility to expose the absolute truth and display for all to see. A responsibility to deliver the gospel and when we complete that mission, when every ear has heard this message then every person will be responsible for themselves. Keep the next generation from becoming a deprived generation and teach people to live by faith, for that is the path to righteousness. So you see God died for all and because of that, hope is extended to all. The hope of salvation is what to live for so go and learn to listen to the law inside you for it is your road map to righteousness. Amen.
(Sorry for it being so long, I got carried away)
“Justice Demands A Law”
“Good or Evil?” Continued…
Hope still remains for all the wicked and evil that crowds our lives, invades our homes, and attacks our souls. This answer is simple to anyone who already has a glimmer of truth within them. For those who have the truth already this hope actually turns out not to be hope at all but a count down. A count down to the point when God says he has had enough and will sound the trumpets and gather his warriors and fight to have us released from our bondage that we imposed on ourselves. Now for those who have lost the way and forced the truth from your heart pay close attention for this Gospel is absolute and absolutely for you. Hope means you wish for something however it may or may not come to pass but with God, all things are absolutes.
But before I get into that take a step back and breathe. I want to talk about the simple nature of Right and wrong or good and evil. This is the most basic of basics about the simple truth. Are you aware that because good exists so does the chance of evil? Yet evil cannot come unless someone establishes goodness. Romans says, “Because law brings wrath. Where there is no law there is no transgression” (Rom 4:15) If simple goodness didn’t exist then how could there be evil? We never could have rebelled to begin with if absolute goodness never dichotomized right from wrong. And if good didn’t exist then how would you define what is evil, because what is wrong is opposite of what is right? Whenever any person says that an action or behavior is wrong or bad it is only because they base that judgment off of what they believe to be right. How do they know what is right? I turn again to Romans.
“Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the [Mosaic] Law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending” (Romans 2:14,15)
Also in Romans 1:19 “since what may be known about God is plain to them because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.”
Many scholars wonder as to how we are made in the image of God. Some would say the ability to think or have freewill. Others might pose the idea of being able to have relationships. Yet don’t animals and critters think about where to get food next and then decide what to do in order to feed? And some animals even share the same partner for their full lives. Can you read the mind of an animal to say otherwise? Granted all these qualities are God like and obviously so, God made them and put himself in all creation. Yet what makes us different I think is that he has laid on our consciences the ability to reason and decide right from wrong? A law if you will put in place to govern over his creation. If anyone else has a better idea then please share it with me for I am continuously seeking out better ways to understand God.
So where does this law get us? As I stated in my prior post the human race was tricked into doing evil by the serpent in the beginning but now we chose it over what is right. So this law that is instilled in us slowly but surely dissolves until we can no longer recall the difference and follow our own will. We have transgressed we have sinned. No matter what magnitude of sin we rank on our scale, sin is sin. Romans 6:23, “for the wages of sin is death…” By this statement we all deserve death because we all went out from good and became evil. We weren’t born evil but we chose it. God has never done wrong so for this reason he is empowered with the right to judge what is evil because without good there would be no evil. According to the law, what is evil will die and what is good will live. We are evil. Again I return to C.S. Lewis, for he can explain our condition because of this law better then I ever could.
“This is the terrible fix we are in. If the universe is not governed by an absolute goodness, then all our efforts are in the long run hopeless. But if it is, then we are making ourselves enemies to that goodness every day, and are not in the least likely to do any better tomorrow, and so our case is hopeless again. We cannot do without it, and we cannot do with it. God is the only comfort, He is also the supreme terror: the thing we most need and the thing we most want to hide from. He is our only possible ally, and we have made ourselves His enemies.”
By being enemies of God we share the same fate as the Devil himself and the devil prides himself in his accomplishments to lead astray God’s faithful. Every day he progresses towards his goal winning souls over to darkness and deceiving the innocent. He knows his fate yet lacks understanding. I began this post with hope remains and now comes the turn of the tide.
In death comes victory. God knew that the law stated that any traitor to the law must be given over to death to be sacrificed for their sins. The Old Testament talks about the Israelites making sacrifices to atone for their sins. Those sacrifices I say did provide forgiveness of sins much like a family can forgive a murderer on trial for killing a member of their family, but even though the family forgave them the punishment still had to be paid to the courts. This draws the line that separates Christianity from all other religions or faiths. No other religion that I am aware of provides a way to redeem the peoples of the earth. This is how the Christian God did just that. God made himself flesh. John 1:1,14, “…and the word was with God and the word was God…” “And the word became flesh.” God came and revealed himself as man taking human form and by doing so limited his power and gave up his golden throne for head aches, sprained ankles, unbearably hot days, put up with human ignorance, human arrogance, and instead of being served, served everyone else. In his life on earth he defeated all temptation and did not give in to sin. Jesus was innocent of any crime. We are guilty of several crimes so a debt is due. In order for our punishment to be taken from us someone who never committed a crime would need to be willing to lift that burden from us and place it on himself. Christ fulfilled this need. 1 Corinthians 5:21 reads; “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” Now, in this life people cannot achieve total righteousness, just as God cannot become sin. The idea is that for God the guilt in the end will not be placed on us but on Christ so that in God’s eyes we who are guilty are innocent and Jesus who is innocent receives the guilty verdict. For this reason Jesus died on the cross and in death served his punishment for our trespasses, and for this we are all justified, the whole world. We became automatically and immediately set free from our punishment. Every sin of every person is forgiven. Christ died for all sinners regardless if they know him or not. What the catch is we must respond to his act and those who respond will receive salvation and Jesus will take their responsibility of punishment on the Day of Judgment. If I have confused you at all know this, Christ wins and wins for you.
After our response we receive the PROMISE of salvation; salvation can only be given on the day when God judges us. So the gift of salvation is specially held for those who accept the Holy Spirit into their hearts and live out their lives in devotion to God. This is where our deaths come in. As I said, in our current state we cannot receive salvation during the living. Think about it. For this very reason God purged Adam and Eve from the garden. We must lose life to receive it. “And the Lord God said, “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever”” (Genesis 3:22). God had to send humanity into death so that we can escape the now fallen world. If Adam and Eve or any person lived forever then they could never be redeemed. We only receive salvation on the Day of Judgment because here and now our bodies are tainted; they are dirty, filthy, and tied to the fate of this world, which will be cleansed with fire. In our death we can finally receive our salvation!
So many people fear death and I can understand why, it is scary, unknown and possibly painful, but look at what greatness has come from the unknown. Christ died for you and I because of love. A love that put his glory aside so that Greatness would dwell amongst men. Yet the greatness was overlooked and instead was spit on by those who claimed righteous. In God’s death and our death we reunite and once again; all that once was, may be again. All that was blemished will be made new and righteous. Pursue the path of righteousness, and instead of the truth being forgotten the perversion of purity will be broken, now for this reason love God!
Those who live a life in devotion towards Christ and His father will live. This digs at the heart of Paul’s Gospel and the very thesis of his letter to the Romans. “The Righteous will live by faith” (Romans 1:17b). So the hope of the world, all the lost souls, those without faith, those in darkness, and those who have twisted the truth into a lie, lay in the hands of all Christians. The truth that Christians hold is power, and we have a responsibility to expose the absolute truth and display for all to see. A responsibility to deliver the gospel and when we complete that mission, when every ear has heard this message then every person will be responsible for themselves. Keep the next generation from becoming a deprived generation and teach people to live by faith, for that is the path to righteousness. So you see God died for all and because of that, hope is extended to all. The hope of salvation is what to live for so go and learn to listen to the law inside you for it is your road map to righteousness. Amen.
(Sorry for it being so long, I got carried away)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Good or Evil?
Have you ever looked at the world in horror? I mean when you take the time to sit down and turn on your local news station how can you not? Every day the hatred and evils of men are displayed for all the world to see and like a frightened helpless sheep you cower on your sofa and wonder what the world is coming too. For man has done all evil deeds and has thought up new ways to accomplish evil. If a scientist from another world or an ignorant being in order to learn more about the human race were to study the natures of man what would it find? Would this “being” be able to witness the good amongst all the corrupt, or classify us all as a species bent on the path of self-destruction?
The simplest of questions in life are always the hardest to answer; what is the soul, does God exist, why, and where do babies come from? The question I ask sometimes and wonder about comes from desperation to not lose faith in the next Generation of “bastards.” I promise I normally do not use swear words however this phrase serves a purpose. According to my dictionary another use for the word can refer to (of a thing) no longer in its pure or original form. The question I ask myself is, are people naturally evil and born with evil inside of them?
About a year ago I attended Sunday school at my home church and the lesson came from Matthew 18 and some how or another the instructor wondered into the discussion about people being separated from God at birth. I was not so quick to let this comment go by. I asked if he believed in original sin and he basically ended up saying yes in the end. I found it hard falling into sync with his idea about the human condition. To say that people enter this world already in sin, equals the plea that people are predestined damned. You can say that because if you believe that people are born with sin then with out their choice they are already damned and are without a chance to resist sin. More importantly the person can plea an excuse to the mighty creator on judgment day and Romans one tells us otherwise. For those who believe in original sin I would like them to explain to the parents of a dead infant exactly where that infant will go. If they are born with sin and then die with out chance to plea for forgiveness for the state they had no choice of being in then according to the justness of God are sentenced to death for eternity. I do admit that the infants are born into a fallen world. Since the world is physical that physical infant is therefore tied to the same fate of that world. Yes, if they survive to a state to realize their fallen ness then they have the chance to respond to God’s call and receive grace in the end but there is no chance for them to be obedient from the beginning. Now with this said it leads me into my point.
I have to think, to believe, and have faith that the people of this world are naturally good and not evil. I even say this about the devil himself. By naturally I mean from the beginning. This is why; the creator exemplifies all goodness and is impervious to evil. God cannot create evil. To do so would be a direct opposite of his own will and God only serves his will and rightfully so. God is pure love and good, what evil can come from pure good, its preposterous to think so. Now, when an innocent infant enters the world I believe with all my heart that this new baby comes without sin and is pure good.
So then how does evil enter into what is good? Romans talks about this as well as my senior patron C.S. Lewis in his awesome book “Mere Christianity.” People chose evil over good. Maybe not realizing it at first or maybe like Adam and Eve are tricked into it, yet it never fails, people turn from God to pursue their own wishes. In doing so they ignore the natural knowledge of right from wrong inside themselves and over the course of life train themselves to ignore that conscience with in them. They pervert the truth into a lie and follow their now blemished hearts desires to what is evil. This is all possible with free will; again something designed to exalt God by choosing his love now used against him by man and man now is consumed by evil. So this brings me back to the beginning. The world we live in today, the horrors that filter through our TV’s and shake us into fear is a product of our own choice to seek out evil. Every person now has two paths to follow. Two paths to chose from, good and evil. Unfortunately we chose evil over good and because of that people say we are naturally evil. That is just not the truth; we pervert the truth because we don’t know how to chose good anymore. Some follow into evil further then others to the point every nature about them is evil. A perfect example is the devil. He has followed so far that every thing about him, which was once good and perfect, is now the opposite of his creator.
This generation will give birth to the next and so on till the return of Christ. Each generation will give themselves over to evil, not that they were evil from birth but at some point become influenced by the prior generation and tricked into doing wrong becoming bastards, an object no longer in its pure original state. For this reason I am ashamed, scared, sad, and angry and you who have a glimmer of truth left should too, but fear not, there is hope.
To be continued…
The simplest of questions in life are always the hardest to answer; what is the soul, does God exist, why, and where do babies come from? The question I ask sometimes and wonder about comes from desperation to not lose faith in the next Generation of “bastards.” I promise I normally do not use swear words however this phrase serves a purpose. According to my dictionary another use for the word can refer to (of a thing) no longer in its pure or original form. The question I ask myself is, are people naturally evil and born with evil inside of them?
About a year ago I attended Sunday school at my home church and the lesson came from Matthew 18 and some how or another the instructor wondered into the discussion about people being separated from God at birth. I was not so quick to let this comment go by. I asked if he believed in original sin and he basically ended up saying yes in the end. I found it hard falling into sync with his idea about the human condition. To say that people enter this world already in sin, equals the plea that people are predestined damned. You can say that because if you believe that people are born with sin then with out their choice they are already damned and are without a chance to resist sin. More importantly the person can plea an excuse to the mighty creator on judgment day and Romans one tells us otherwise. For those who believe in original sin I would like them to explain to the parents of a dead infant exactly where that infant will go. If they are born with sin and then die with out chance to plea for forgiveness for the state they had no choice of being in then according to the justness of God are sentenced to death for eternity. I do admit that the infants are born into a fallen world. Since the world is physical that physical infant is therefore tied to the same fate of that world. Yes, if they survive to a state to realize their fallen ness then they have the chance to respond to God’s call and receive grace in the end but there is no chance for them to be obedient from the beginning. Now with this said it leads me into my point.
I have to think, to believe, and have faith that the people of this world are naturally good and not evil. I even say this about the devil himself. By naturally I mean from the beginning. This is why; the creator exemplifies all goodness and is impervious to evil. God cannot create evil. To do so would be a direct opposite of his own will and God only serves his will and rightfully so. God is pure love and good, what evil can come from pure good, its preposterous to think so. Now, when an innocent infant enters the world I believe with all my heart that this new baby comes without sin and is pure good.
So then how does evil enter into what is good? Romans talks about this as well as my senior patron C.S. Lewis in his awesome book “Mere Christianity.” People chose evil over good. Maybe not realizing it at first or maybe like Adam and Eve are tricked into it, yet it never fails, people turn from God to pursue their own wishes. In doing so they ignore the natural knowledge of right from wrong inside themselves and over the course of life train themselves to ignore that conscience with in them. They pervert the truth into a lie and follow their now blemished hearts desires to what is evil. This is all possible with free will; again something designed to exalt God by choosing his love now used against him by man and man now is consumed by evil. So this brings me back to the beginning. The world we live in today, the horrors that filter through our TV’s and shake us into fear is a product of our own choice to seek out evil. Every person now has two paths to follow. Two paths to chose from, good and evil. Unfortunately we chose evil over good and because of that people say we are naturally evil. That is just not the truth; we pervert the truth because we don’t know how to chose good anymore. Some follow into evil further then others to the point every nature about them is evil. A perfect example is the devil. He has followed so far that every thing about him, which was once good and perfect, is now the opposite of his creator.
This generation will give birth to the next and so on till the return of Christ. Each generation will give themselves over to evil, not that they were evil from birth but at some point become influenced by the prior generation and tricked into doing wrong becoming bastards, an object no longer in its pure original state. For this reason I am ashamed, scared, sad, and angry and you who have a glimmer of truth left should too, but fear not, there is hope.
To be continued…
Friday, August 17, 2007
My Sermon Psalm 118
You can now Listen to the sermon I gave on 8/12/07 about Psalm 118 at Use the link in the Other Options link list on this page entitled Next Level Sermons. The name of the sermon is "Faith, Hope, And Love." Click the date under the name to download and listen too. I hope you all enjoy.
One Person, Two Homes.
One person, two homes. Can you see the predicament that has conjured up over the last two years? I consider myself to have two homes, the one where I lived for 17 years and where I grew up, the other a place of great atmosphere and good friends. I’m not saying that I don’t have that at my home with my parents but at school it just seems that I am my own person.
I enjoy being with friends. I like doing things with them and just hanging out. The problem is that I have several friends at home and several friends at school. Whenever one place draws or drags me away I am forced to leave behind a whole set of friends and I always seem hesitant to leave. When traveling back to school this year I looked back at the great summer I had. Honestly, I didn’t have to work that much and my friends and I capitalized on every opportunity. Things like Cake Day, and Star Wars Monopoly night, going out to breakfast, playing tennis until sunset, endless games of Frisbee Golf, or just staying out night just to wait and watch the sunrise are memories that I will forever carry with me and reflect upon. So when packing up to return to my home at Johnson I got sad and almost hated to leave.
I love dorm life. I enjoy being with the guys late at night sitting around the room either watching some awesome movie or talking about pointless theology yet we argue still. Life is very different at Johnson. Weekend retreats into the mountains with friends my friends there are amazing. At school I have two jobs, one is being R.A. and the other is working for General Maintenance. The two jobs are simple and not to hard so I don’t complain. Dollar fifty movies and half Apps are the big night on the town. So Johnson has much to add to life that my home can’t.
When I am at one place and leave to go to the other I find myself wishing I were back. Whether I am at home and leave to go to school I desire to be back home at first; or if I am at School and head home I wish to be back at school. The two homes are difficult to transition because I hate tearing myself from the place I was before. So now I am back at school missing all the wonderful times I had at home with all my friends however, I know when the time comes for me to return to my home at my parents house, I will dread leaving Johnson. I guess a house divided is hard to live in.
I enjoy being with friends. I like doing things with them and just hanging out. The problem is that I have several friends at home and several friends at school. Whenever one place draws or drags me away I am forced to leave behind a whole set of friends and I always seem hesitant to leave. When traveling back to school this year I looked back at the great summer I had. Honestly, I didn’t have to work that much and my friends and I capitalized on every opportunity. Things like Cake Day, and Star Wars Monopoly night, going out to breakfast, playing tennis until sunset, endless games of Frisbee Golf, or just staying out night just to wait and watch the sunrise are memories that I will forever carry with me and reflect upon. So when packing up to return to my home at Johnson I got sad and almost hated to leave.
I love dorm life. I enjoy being with the guys late at night sitting around the room either watching some awesome movie or talking about pointless theology yet we argue still. Life is very different at Johnson. Weekend retreats into the mountains with friends my friends there are amazing. At school I have two jobs, one is being R.A. and the other is working for General Maintenance. The two jobs are simple and not to hard so I don’t complain. Dollar fifty movies and half Apps are the big night on the town. So Johnson has much to add to life that my home can’t.
When I am at one place and leave to go to the other I find myself wishing I were back. Whether I am at home and leave to go to school I desire to be back home at first; or if I am at School and head home I wish to be back at school. The two homes are difficult to transition because I hate tearing myself from the place I was before. So now I am back at school missing all the wonderful times I had at home with all my friends however, I know when the time comes for me to return to my home at my parents house, I will dread leaving Johnson. I guess a house divided is hard to live in.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Grandpa Communion
Good Evening,
Death puts fear in the hearts and minds of many all over the world. I remember not to long ago when my Grandfather died. My school day seemed the same as any other day of the week until at my lunch break an office aid came to find me. He said something about my grandpa and his bad condition so I followed him to the office where I was met by Mr. Schishler, my administrator. He told me my Father had called and that it was an emergency. So, Mrs. Maxwell who worked at Colerain High took me home where I met my dad and mother. In a full panic we raced off to Indianapolis Hospital where my grandpa had been for the last couple of months. Arriving at the hospital was a relief. Once we reached my grandpa’s room, the only one in there was my Uncle Greg. (My dad’s younger brother). A call came from the doctor tending him informing of complications during an MRI which he needed because he had fallen into a coma, Greg respected the living will and gave the order to not resuscitate. Only minutes later arrived the news that Richard Willmore died, we were on our way to the elevator to see him. Even though he reached his physical death his life is far from over.
A humble first century theologian wrote this about the death of his Rabbi.
2nd Corinthians 5:14-21
14For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
16So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 18All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
I have come to love and marvel at this passage. It is beautifully written and a very wise realization of the gospel. The fact that Christ gave himself up to death as a result of human sin means that he surrendoured himself to share our condition; and since he died, we all who believe share in that death and are now dead to sin. Apart from Christ we are dead in sin but in Christ we are dead to Sin.
My grandpa is dead in the worldly point of view however, Christ took his sin so that he may become the righteousness in God and live for eternity. So at this time celebrate with me by taking this small token of reflection to give praise to the one who gave us all life, life in eternity.
Lets pray,
Heavenly father, never will we understand the sacrifice you gave on the cross, yet we wish to show our gratitude. Some day we will meet our physical end but on that day we will rejoice for then we will truly understand life. It is in your wonderful and mighty name of your son that we pray.
Death puts fear in the hearts and minds of many all over the world. I remember not to long ago when my Grandfather died. My school day seemed the same as any other day of the week until at my lunch break an office aid came to find me. He said something about my grandpa and his bad condition so I followed him to the office where I was met by Mr. Schishler, my administrator. He told me my Father had called and that it was an emergency. So, Mrs. Maxwell who worked at Colerain High took me home where I met my dad and mother. In a full panic we raced off to Indianapolis Hospital where my grandpa had been for the last couple of months. Arriving at the hospital was a relief. Once we reached my grandpa’s room, the only one in there was my Uncle Greg. (My dad’s younger brother). A call came from the doctor tending him informing of complications during an MRI which he needed because he had fallen into a coma, Greg respected the living will and gave the order to not resuscitate. Only minutes later arrived the news that Richard Willmore died, we were on our way to the elevator to see him. Even though he reached his physical death his life is far from over.
A humble first century theologian wrote this about the death of his Rabbi.
2nd Corinthians 5:14-21
14For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
16So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 18All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
I have come to love and marvel at this passage. It is beautifully written and a very wise realization of the gospel. The fact that Christ gave himself up to death as a result of human sin means that he surrendoured himself to share our condition; and since he died, we all who believe share in that death and are now dead to sin. Apart from Christ we are dead in sin but in Christ we are dead to Sin.
My grandpa is dead in the worldly point of view however, Christ took his sin so that he may become the righteousness in God and live for eternity. So at this time celebrate with me by taking this small token of reflection to give praise to the one who gave us all life, life in eternity.
Lets pray,
Heavenly father, never will we understand the sacrifice you gave on the cross, yet we wish to show our gratitude. Some day we will meet our physical end but on that day we will rejoice for then we will truly understand life. It is in your wonderful and mighty name of your son that we pray.
Monday, July 16, 2007
A Fool's Hope
Lord of The Rings is a wonderful story. In fact I believe it to be one of the greatest fantasy books ever written (even though it is in the sci-fi section). Through out the story one of the characters, the great wizard Gandalf, calls a thoughtless hobbit named Pippin a fool. The poor idiotic hobbit doesn’t seem to do the wisest things and then Gandalf repeatedly calls him a fool. In the third installment, Return of the King, Pippin seeks refuge in his beloved leader Gandalf just before the great battle of the story. “Is there any hope?” and the wizard smiles and replies “only a fool's hope.”
The week that’s past I spent with family in a pleasant setting nestled in the Ozarks of Missouri. Much reminded me of my home away from home in Knoxville. This town had small rolling mountains for skyscrapers and small stores flooded with proud Yankees. Yes, this town has a name; it is Branson. I wondered for weeks leading up to our trip why we would waste our time in such a boring place and even now believe other trips we have ventured on seemed better. In the end I must confess that the week proved better then I had anticipated or imagined. While on the trip, we met as a family for church. During this small gathering we ventured on to the topic of what we hope for. My father led the discussion and asked us what we hope for. My cousins gave their answers that included graduation and marriage, all that jazz. When everyone’s eyes fell on me I threw out the simple answers; graduation, success in family, and eventually teach. I really wish for these hopes to pass yet I felt that those were not the most important answers to give.
In my last post I ventured into the realm of self-doubt. Self-doubt about whether or not ministry is my true calling in life. Last night I think God spoke through one of my friends to me. Several of my friends and I went to a field in the middle of nowhere. While gazing at the endless above I found myself wondering into a deep conversation with the same girl as in my previous post. This time around she helped me, and pointed something out to me. I disclosed the struggle in my head about my doubt. I told her of my fear that I may kill a church or be a horrible leader, and not be able to help people. I’ve seen all this done. I do not remember the exact words she said at that moment, for I have had a serious lack of sleep since then, but her words comforted me. She then also shared her greatest spiritual weakness with me. Later that early morning we talked about the marvel of God’s creation. She said she could look at a swarm of gnats and see the amazing knowledge and power of God. “Who else could have thought of something so small yet know its grave purpose.” I was amazed at how she could see God and his power in something so minute. That got me wondering. Is what I choose to do for an occupation going to change the course of God’s will? I think not. Whether I chose architecture or Vocational ministry Christ will return precisely when he means too. All I have to consider is, am I living as Christ would will me to live? Do my actions gratify God? I choose ministry not because God revealed himself to me in some burning bush but because this servant hood will help me to be the best man of God I could possibly be. I’m just along for the ride on what ever experiences God may, and will throw my way on such a choice.
I don’t really know for sure why Gandalf answered Pippin the way he did but I can only imagine that in the heart of a foolish and thoughtless hobbit also lies the will to be victorious in what may seem as, an impossible battle to win. I am a foolish and thoughtless human that never quite gets it, yet because of my hope I can stand firm in my decision to become a minister.
So now I thank you friend, thank you for your words and wisdom in realizing your place in the massive and wonderful creation of God. You may never know the weight that carried with last night’s conversation. Thank you. The next time a person asks me what some of my hopes are I can answer them with this; I hope and pray that God will give me experiences that will change my life into being more like my rabbi
The week that’s past I spent with family in a pleasant setting nestled in the Ozarks of Missouri. Much reminded me of my home away from home in Knoxville. This town had small rolling mountains for skyscrapers and small stores flooded with proud Yankees. Yes, this town has a name; it is Branson. I wondered for weeks leading up to our trip why we would waste our time in such a boring place and even now believe other trips we have ventured on seemed better. In the end I must confess that the week proved better then I had anticipated or imagined. While on the trip, we met as a family for church. During this small gathering we ventured on to the topic of what we hope for. My father led the discussion and asked us what we hope for. My cousins gave their answers that included graduation and marriage, all that jazz. When everyone’s eyes fell on me I threw out the simple answers; graduation, success in family, and eventually teach. I really wish for these hopes to pass yet I felt that those were not the most important answers to give.
In my last post I ventured into the realm of self-doubt. Self-doubt about whether or not ministry is my true calling in life. Last night I think God spoke through one of my friends to me. Several of my friends and I went to a field in the middle of nowhere. While gazing at the endless above I found myself wondering into a deep conversation with the same girl as in my previous post. This time around she helped me, and pointed something out to me. I disclosed the struggle in my head about my doubt. I told her of my fear that I may kill a church or be a horrible leader, and not be able to help people. I’ve seen all this done. I do not remember the exact words she said at that moment, for I have had a serious lack of sleep since then, but her words comforted me. She then also shared her greatest spiritual weakness with me. Later that early morning we talked about the marvel of God’s creation. She said she could look at a swarm of gnats and see the amazing knowledge and power of God. “Who else could have thought of something so small yet know its grave purpose.” I was amazed at how she could see God and his power in something so minute. That got me wondering. Is what I choose to do for an occupation going to change the course of God’s will? I think not. Whether I chose architecture or Vocational ministry Christ will return precisely when he means too. All I have to consider is, am I living as Christ would will me to live? Do my actions gratify God? I choose ministry not because God revealed himself to me in some burning bush but because this servant hood will help me to be the best man of God I could possibly be. I’m just along for the ride on what ever experiences God may, and will throw my way on such a choice.
I don’t really know for sure why Gandalf answered Pippin the way he did but I can only imagine that in the heart of a foolish and thoughtless hobbit also lies the will to be victorious in what may seem as, an impossible battle to win. I am a foolish and thoughtless human that never quite gets it, yet because of my hope I can stand firm in my decision to become a minister.
So now I thank you friend, thank you for your words and wisdom in realizing your place in the massive and wonderful creation of God. You may never know the weight that carried with last night’s conversation. Thank you. The next time a person asks me what some of my hopes are I can answer them with this; I hope and pray that God will give me experiences that will change my life into being more like my rabbi
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Missing Something?
Today I had an awakening. While driving a friend home the matters of a previous relationship came up. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and even though it was for the best, she confessed a sustaining love for him. As she continued her story a previous experience arose with several of her friends and the summer intern. She went over a discussion that they all had and how they fell into each other’s confidence and revealed their struggles of their lives. Now because of my lack of understanding of women I’m not sure but I think she may have wanted to have a similar conversation as the other night, but with me. While she was telling this story some of the things the intern said made me wish that I could have the ability to council like he did. He called them out on issues unknown to me and because of his tact he was able to help the girls. I wish and pray that I may be as effective as him some day.
Yesterday my father had his men’s Bible Study over so I sat in on the study. The chapter out of their chosen study material covered divorce. What started as a common discussion broke into a counseling session for one of the men who happens to have troubles in his marriage. Taken back by the severity of the situation I did not know how to help him or what to do even. I know that I am only 20 and at this time lack the education that would help but even still, I wanted to help him and try to solve his problem.
If anyone in the world has read any of my past blogs they know that I am going into the ministry and will most likely council several people in my life. For these two examples I feel as if I failed them in some way. Either not being there as a friend or not knowing how to handle the situation I missed two wonderful opportunities to minister and shepherd. Failure in situations that arise such as these two force me to wonder if I am cut out for the ministry. Are my insecurities getting in the way of my pastoral future? I don’t know.
I can recall several failures in my past such as, school, relationships, or sinful desires. The fear of failure lingers on several minds. People try to run from their failure and get caught in an endless abyss of disappointment. And I guess the question on my mind is will I fail in my service to God as a minister for his bride? Is there something that I’m missing that could help me be a better man of God? Some days I desire preaching and others I’m terrified of it. Did I miss God’s call to something else? These questions remain in my head and can shake the foundation of my reality. It comes down to, do I really want to do this, and am I missing something?
So for two years now I have continuously been praying for God to prepare me for the path that I have chosen; to train my mind for servant hood and my heart for compassion. I made a promise to God that this is what I will do, and I WILL NOT break that oath. Lord, help with my insecurities and shortcomings and work on my heart and mind to transform it into an effective servant for your kingdom. Amen.
Yesterday my father had his men’s Bible Study over so I sat in on the study. The chapter out of their chosen study material covered divorce. What started as a common discussion broke into a counseling session for one of the men who happens to have troubles in his marriage. Taken back by the severity of the situation I did not know how to help him or what to do even. I know that I am only 20 and at this time lack the education that would help but even still, I wanted to help him and try to solve his problem.
If anyone in the world has read any of my past blogs they know that I am going into the ministry and will most likely council several people in my life. For these two examples I feel as if I failed them in some way. Either not being there as a friend or not knowing how to handle the situation I missed two wonderful opportunities to minister and shepherd. Failure in situations that arise such as these two force me to wonder if I am cut out for the ministry. Are my insecurities getting in the way of my pastoral future? I don’t know.
I can recall several failures in my past such as, school, relationships, or sinful desires. The fear of failure lingers on several minds. People try to run from their failure and get caught in an endless abyss of disappointment. And I guess the question on my mind is will I fail in my service to God as a minister for his bride? Is there something that I’m missing that could help me be a better man of God? Some days I desire preaching and others I’m terrified of it. Did I miss God’s call to something else? These questions remain in my head and can shake the foundation of my reality. It comes down to, do I really want to do this, and am I missing something?
So for two years now I have continuously been praying for God to prepare me for the path that I have chosen; to train my mind for servant hood and my heart for compassion. I made a promise to God that this is what I will do, and I WILL NOT break that oath. Lord, help with my insecurities and shortcomings and work on my heart and mind to transform it into an effective servant for your kingdom. Amen.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
My answers on Whipple Peeves' thread
Whipple Peeves is a fellow blogger who prompted these two questions and I am letting you see my answers.
1.) What Makes The Church The Church?
What makes the Church a Church is a gathering of people who worship God, learn about his nature and commands, and help each other through trials and struggles in their lives. That is what makes a Church. But what the church is, It is the Kingdom of God. The very kingdom God said he would establish and later justify and reconcile to him so that God may once again dwell with his most precious creation. The church is Christ's bride, in which by a bond between us and Christ we are able to come to the father. Through this Kingdom the whole world may know that Jesus loves them. I quote John 17:20-23 "My prayer is not for them alone (the disciples) I pray also for those who believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and i am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and yo in me. may the be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."
2.) What Makes A Christian A Christian
Well, the very title of Christian means to be a follower of Christ. Now that can be a very broad statement to summarize yet I think the core comes down to this, Believing in your heart and confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord. If you truly believe in your heart then you will be in a continuous state of discipleship where Jesus the Christ is your rabbi and as Rob Bell says (creator of the devotional nooma videos) "every great disciple wants to be like their Rabbi. To many people only confess with their mouth to be Christians yet live against everything he taught. That is where the continual confession comes in. Through works and acts your faith can be seen and judged and if a bad vine doesn't produce fruit then it is cut down and thrown in the fire proving that it was never a true or good disciple to begin with. When reading Romans 10:9 to many people take being a Christian for granted and think it easy. What really happened is they failed to read the first ten chapters that describe and lead up to that very statement. The real test of Christianity if found in Romans 1:17 where it says; "the righteous will live by faith." To me submitting your will and life to Jesus is the real Christian. Be like THE Rabbi!
To give your own thoughts on this thread go to
1.) What Makes The Church The Church?
What makes the Church a Church is a gathering of people who worship God, learn about his nature and commands, and help each other through trials and struggles in their lives. That is what makes a Church. But what the church is, It is the Kingdom of God. The very kingdom God said he would establish and later justify and reconcile to him so that God may once again dwell with his most precious creation. The church is Christ's bride, in which by a bond between us and Christ we are able to come to the father. Through this Kingdom the whole world may know that Jesus loves them. I quote John 17:20-23 "My prayer is not for them alone (the disciples) I pray also for those who believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and i am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and yo in me. may the be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."
2.) What Makes A Christian A Christian
Well, the very title of Christian means to be a follower of Christ. Now that can be a very broad statement to summarize yet I think the core comes down to this, Believing in your heart and confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord. If you truly believe in your heart then you will be in a continuous state of discipleship where Jesus the Christ is your rabbi and as Rob Bell says (creator of the devotional nooma videos) "every great disciple wants to be like their Rabbi. To many people only confess with their mouth to be Christians yet live against everything he taught. That is where the continual confession comes in. Through works and acts your faith can be seen and judged and if a bad vine doesn't produce fruit then it is cut down and thrown in the fire proving that it was never a true or good disciple to begin with. When reading Romans 10:9 to many people take being a Christian for granted and think it easy. What really happened is they failed to read the first ten chapters that describe and lead up to that very statement. The real test of Christianity if found in Romans 1:17 where it says; "the righteous will live by faith." To me submitting your will and life to Jesus is the real Christian. Be like THE Rabbi!
To give your own thoughts on this thread go to
Friday, June 29, 2007
Bible Study 002 – fishers of men
Mark:1 16As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 17"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." 18At once they left their nets and followed him.
I enjoy fishing a great deal. This past weekend my father, brother-in-law, several friends, and I spent our time just off shore of Put-in-Bay. That’s right, for two whole days we spent fourteen hours out on the waters of Lake Erie fishing for walleye. The weekend proved profitable, a catch of 47 walleye and a few white bass. I always enjoy fishing because of the relaxation; it’s soothing.
In order to fish the person must know some certain information such as; what kind of bait the breed of fish feeds on, and what kind of lake habitat is best for them, in deep water or shallow, amongst fallen trees or in the center of the lake. One needs to know all this information in order to be a good fisherman. The idea behind fishing is to attract the fish to catch them. So you use bright lures, bait that smells, or maybe even bait that makes noise. You use anything to draw attention to the hook. So I know what it takes to be a good fisherman, yet what does it mean to be fishers of men? Jesus said to two of his disciples “come with me and I will make you fishers of men.” Other then the obvious answer that you go out and get people, I think there is something else. You see that ideology puts the focus on the men and people that Peter and Andrew were going to get during their ministries. The transformation happens to Peter and Andrew. Over the next three years Peter and Andrew will undergo a change in their lives that will lead them to reside as the leaders of church. It is a character change and growth in wisdom. To be a “fisher of men” is to undergo a self-change.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.
I believe I have talked about sanctification before, well now I am brining it up again. Sanctify, according to my apple dictionary means, set apart as or declare holy. With out some change in our lives following our receiving Christ have we truly accepted him? If you answer no, then study and search out the phrase “God fearing Christian.” God loves us and will force us to undergo a change, a change of character, morality, and state of mind. Sanctification means to strive towards perfection because of a relationship one has with Jesus. For love, we change ourselves to live more like God.
“Fishers of Men” means to be a positive appeal for others to come to Christ. To live in such a way that those around us see an appeal to change and live as Christ did. Just as the spinner bait reflects the light from the sun in dark and murky waters to attract fish we also reflect the light of the Son to attract the lost. So follow him and become fishers of men.
I enjoy fishing a great deal. This past weekend my father, brother-in-law, several friends, and I spent our time just off shore of Put-in-Bay. That’s right, for two whole days we spent fourteen hours out on the waters of Lake Erie fishing for walleye. The weekend proved profitable, a catch of 47 walleye and a few white bass. I always enjoy fishing because of the relaxation; it’s soothing.
In order to fish the person must know some certain information such as; what kind of bait the breed of fish feeds on, and what kind of lake habitat is best for them, in deep water or shallow, amongst fallen trees or in the center of the lake. One needs to know all this information in order to be a good fisherman. The idea behind fishing is to attract the fish to catch them. So you use bright lures, bait that smells, or maybe even bait that makes noise. You use anything to draw attention to the hook. So I know what it takes to be a good fisherman, yet what does it mean to be fishers of men? Jesus said to two of his disciples “come with me and I will make you fishers of men.” Other then the obvious answer that you go out and get people, I think there is something else. You see that ideology puts the focus on the men and people that Peter and Andrew were going to get during their ministries. The transformation happens to Peter and Andrew. Over the next three years Peter and Andrew will undergo a change in their lives that will lead them to reside as the leaders of church. It is a character change and growth in wisdom. To be a “fisher of men” is to undergo a self-change.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.
I believe I have talked about sanctification before, well now I am brining it up again. Sanctify, according to my apple dictionary means, set apart as or declare holy. With out some change in our lives following our receiving Christ have we truly accepted him? If you answer no, then study and search out the phrase “God fearing Christian.” God loves us and will force us to undergo a change, a change of character, morality, and state of mind. Sanctification means to strive towards perfection because of a relationship one has with Jesus. For love, we change ourselves to live more like God.
“Fishers of Men” means to be a positive appeal for others to come to Christ. To live in such a way that those around us see an appeal to change and live as Christ did. Just as the spinner bait reflects the light from the sun in dark and murky waters to attract fish we also reflect the light of the Son to attract the lost. So follow him and become fishers of men.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Tennis anyone?
You know, there are few sports out there that I truly enjoy playing. They consist of Ultimate Frisbee, Football, Frisbee Gulf, and finally Tennis. Tennis is a pretty fun sport to play. I’m not that great but better then most of my friends so I think that lets me enjoy it more. In the last couple of weeks my friends and I have spent many evenings at the high school hitting a ball back and forth or playing a couple of sets, its something to look forward too during the day.
The other day while playing I kept hitting the ball into the net. Either serving or returning I continued to hit the ball into the net. Every time I failed to return the ball my temper grew and I was beginning to lose my nerve. I lost focus and got worse and worse till I was furious. My friends were profiting off my screw-ups and so their spirits were up.
I have found myself in the same situation in life. One bad thing that happened to me launched a continuous drive down a path of anger and disappointment. I tried to rise above and out of that state of mind yet the hole was to deep. It brought me down spiritually and I dragged through the days for weeks. After a while I knew that I couldn’t let it bother me anymore because I couldn’t focus on school or just be happy. I had to let it go. This wasn’t an instant transformation but I quickly returned to the good old Jonny Heart that I was before.
During the last game of that night it was my serve. I knew I had to calm down or the night would end badly and carry over when I got home. I took a deep breath and served. My best serve of the night started my best game of the night. My friend and I shut out the other team. I had to calm myself down in order to play my best. Life is much easier when you can calm yourself down and take one struggle at a time. The next day I was hanging out with my friends and asked, “tennis anyone?”
The other day while playing I kept hitting the ball into the net. Either serving or returning I continued to hit the ball into the net. Every time I failed to return the ball my temper grew and I was beginning to lose my nerve. I lost focus and got worse and worse till I was furious. My friends were profiting off my screw-ups and so their spirits were up.
I have found myself in the same situation in life. One bad thing that happened to me launched a continuous drive down a path of anger and disappointment. I tried to rise above and out of that state of mind yet the hole was to deep. It brought me down spiritually and I dragged through the days for weeks. After a while I knew that I couldn’t let it bother me anymore because I couldn’t focus on school or just be happy. I had to let it go. This wasn’t an instant transformation but I quickly returned to the good old Jonny Heart that I was before.
During the last game of that night it was my serve. I knew I had to calm down or the night would end badly and carry over when I got home. I took a deep breath and served. My best serve of the night started my best game of the night. My friend and I shut out the other team. I had to calm myself down in order to play my best. Life is much easier when you can calm yourself down and take one struggle at a time. The next day I was hanging out with my friends and asked, “tennis anyone?”
Saturday, June 16, 2007
What is in a name?
What is in a name? So many people are known solely by their name. What they do in life does not affect people’s opinion of them; they remain a public star with out judgment or consideration. The rich see their name more as a title or rank of status. Life used to be predestined for you just by the person’s last name. What people represented and lived for didn’t matter, so I ask the same question as the lovely Juliet, what is in a name?
All my life I could never walk down the halls of my church without someone coming up to me knowing exactly who I was but me not knowing them. You see, my parents have attended this church for 28 years now so they know a lot of people and I get titled, “oh you’re a _______ (my last name),” instead of my first, or they may say “You’re Dave’s boy.” It has gotten to the point that it bothers me but I miss it when it doesn’t happen. Growing up at a church for twenty years, you find that more people know you then you would like, especially if you have no idea who they are.
However today gave me a little prize. Yesterday was the Hoedown for the closing program of VBS at my church. A big party where the kids could bring their parents and enjoy an evening of games and food. The theme required the use of bails of straw, and lots of them. My father offered the use of his truck for transporting the straw back to the place we borrowed them from. Can you imagine 35 bails of straw in the back of an 8-foot bed? With the high pile of bundles I didn’t want to drive them home on the public streets only to drive right back the next morning. (we borrowed them from a garden center and it was a block away from the church.) So I left the truck at the church over night so I didn’t have to drive all over town with this Straw. The next morning my dad went to the church to get the truck. He asked if there were any more bundles and the woman just looked at him puzzled. In ignorance of knowing whom my father was, she replied; “well, that truck is Jonny Heart’s dad’s truck, and I don’t know if he wants you driving it.” With a big smile on his face and a hint of a chuckle he replied, “Oh, I don’t think he will mind since I’m his father.” Never in my life at that church has someone not known my parents but knew me. It was a fun little highlight of the day for me.
This incident brought to light a truth that has crept up on me. I am becoming an adult and more importantly an individual separate from my folks. My name at church is slowly becoming my own, what I make it. My actions now speak for myself instead of my last name. Yet never will I be able to truley become seprate from my parents at that church I have some where else. While going to school at Johnson Bible College I have a chance to become my own person. No one knows of my parents or what they have done in life, instead I am who I want to be. Its kind of a weird feeling, At this pivotal part in my life I decide what direction to go and for the first time mommy and daddy won’t be there to catch me if I fall. Am I scared? A little but responcibility comes with being an adult. Life is just beginning for me and I can make it what I want, my name is mine to make through the choices and actions I choose. So, what is in a name? Nothing, but what I do now is everything. Think about it.
All my life I could never walk down the halls of my church without someone coming up to me knowing exactly who I was but me not knowing them. You see, my parents have attended this church for 28 years now so they know a lot of people and I get titled, “oh you’re a _______ (my last name),” instead of my first, or they may say “You’re Dave’s boy.” It has gotten to the point that it bothers me but I miss it when it doesn’t happen. Growing up at a church for twenty years, you find that more people know you then you would like, especially if you have no idea who they are.
However today gave me a little prize. Yesterday was the Hoedown for the closing program of VBS at my church. A big party where the kids could bring their parents and enjoy an evening of games and food. The theme required the use of bails of straw, and lots of them. My father offered the use of his truck for transporting the straw back to the place we borrowed them from. Can you imagine 35 bails of straw in the back of an 8-foot bed? With the high pile of bundles I didn’t want to drive them home on the public streets only to drive right back the next morning. (we borrowed them from a garden center and it was a block away from the church.) So I left the truck at the church over night so I didn’t have to drive all over town with this Straw. The next morning my dad went to the church to get the truck. He asked if there were any more bundles and the woman just looked at him puzzled. In ignorance of knowing whom my father was, she replied; “well, that truck is Jonny Heart’s dad’s truck, and I don’t know if he wants you driving it.” With a big smile on his face and a hint of a chuckle he replied, “Oh, I don’t think he will mind since I’m his father.” Never in my life at that church has someone not known my parents but knew me. It was a fun little highlight of the day for me.
This incident brought to light a truth that has crept up on me. I am becoming an adult and more importantly an individual separate from my folks. My name at church is slowly becoming my own, what I make it. My actions now speak for myself instead of my last name. Yet never will I be able to truley become seprate from my parents at that church I have some where else. While going to school at Johnson Bible College I have a chance to become my own person. No one knows of my parents or what they have done in life, instead I am who I want to be. Its kind of a weird feeling, At this pivotal part in my life I decide what direction to go and for the first time mommy and daddy won’t be there to catch me if I fall. Am I scared? A little but responcibility comes with being an adult. Life is just beginning for me and I can make it what I want, my name is mine to make through the choices and actions I choose. So, what is in a name? Nothing, but what I do now is everything. Think about it.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Goatee be gone! (change)
Today it’s gone, after nine months, four days and 15 hours I shaved off my goatee. I know I write as if I’ve had this relationship with my facial hair for twenty years or so, but in the last nine months it became a part of me and I became looked upon as a much older and wiser Jonny Heart. The transition was great while it lasted yet now I return to the clean-shaven look of my youth.
Change can be a great thing, lots of good has come from change; our country, the reformation and restoration movements within the church, and yes even the change from french fries to freedom fries was a good move. Many people have a hard time with change. For some odd reason people just don’t understand why change is important. It brings the chance of a fresh beginning and a new generation of opportunity.
You may be thinking, “Jonny Heart why are you talking about change?” The truth is, I don’t really know. People say I am conservative, and because of that I don’t take well to change. Well, some times I find it hard to cope with change and other times move along with it quit well. I admit that the later are further and farther between. Why do things need to change when they are working just fine the way they are? I don’t really like the idea of the “seeker sensitive church” that so many congregations have migrated towards. I don’t like that “King of Queens” ended and another comedy sitcom will take its place.
Change is inevitable, could be bad could be good, but no matter what a person does change constantly stares them down. Whether it’s the passing of father time or a sudden shift that will nock you off your feet, you will never be able stop it but what matters is the effect you let it leave.
I’m sure that at some point I will let my goatee return but what I like about it is that I can control when. I look forward to the change that will embrace me tomorrow.
Change can be a great thing, lots of good has come from change; our country, the reformation and restoration movements within the church, and yes even the change from french fries to freedom fries was a good move. Many people have a hard time with change. For some odd reason people just don’t understand why change is important. It brings the chance of a fresh beginning and a new generation of opportunity.
You may be thinking, “Jonny Heart why are you talking about change?” The truth is, I don’t really know. People say I am conservative, and because of that I don’t take well to change. Well, some times I find it hard to cope with change and other times move along with it quit well. I admit that the later are further and farther between. Why do things need to change when they are working just fine the way they are? I don’t really like the idea of the “seeker sensitive church” that so many congregations have migrated towards. I don’t like that “King of Queens” ended and another comedy sitcom will take its place.
Change is inevitable, could be bad could be good, but no matter what a person does change constantly stares them down. Whether it’s the passing of father time or a sudden shift that will nock you off your feet, you will never be able stop it but what matters is the effect you let it leave.
I’m sure that at some point I will let my goatee return but what I like about it is that I can control when. I look forward to the change that will embrace me tomorrow.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Bible Study - 001
Today’s study comes from Romans 1:18-23. Romans is becoming one of my favorite books in the Bible, much of it people like to forget because of its bluntness.
The Righteous will live by faith. (Thesis of the book of Romans)
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of this world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as god nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
This paints a powerful picture. Every one and their brother who claim to be Christians only have this picture of a God that won’t send anyone to Hell and only does good for the good people in the world, and if you believe in that God then it is enough. I would like to call this “Yankee Christianity.” The only place that you find this kind of Christian belief is in the wonderful world of America. Not country, but world. People in America are in their own little world and no one outside of its borders can hurt them.
The very first part of this section says “the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness.” This doesn’t sound like the God I learned about in Sunday School. My question is whom is this section talking about, who are the men who suppress the truth?
While eating dinner in the Cafeteria I had a conversation with a friend, this friend said that he could not believe in a God that would send people to hell who haven’t heard the gospel, he would hate God. I recalled the passage and explained to him. It seems to me that all people have a way of coming to the Lord, whether the arrogant church shows them the way or not. Every one has a reason because God has poured himself into his creation. “God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of this world God’s invisible qualities and his eternal power have been clearly seen. So man is without excuse. All men are held accountable because God has revealed himself to them without the help of the church. And this is were the answer to that question comes; “will God send people who never herd of God or Jesus to hell.” I am sorry to say that I believe he will. They chose to ignore the natural signs that are there, the conscience that God gave to all men as a natural Law of things. “They exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man. Verse 25 says; “they exchanged the truth for a lie” The people of the world have exchanged the truth for a lie to fulfill their twisted desires. So what can we learn from this?
God is just and must distribute his justice, whether that is wrath or grace, God gives accordingly. I ask you, do you give the gospel up for a lie, who do you follow? I assure you that some of you may think you are following God yet you may be living a lie. Give all of yourself to God for his glory, and listen to the natural law that God has given to you. Flee from the corruption that conspires in a human heart and remember above all to live by faith.
The Righteous will live by faith. (Thesis of the book of Romans)
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of this world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as god nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
This paints a powerful picture. Every one and their brother who claim to be Christians only have this picture of a God that won’t send anyone to Hell and only does good for the good people in the world, and if you believe in that God then it is enough. I would like to call this “Yankee Christianity.” The only place that you find this kind of Christian belief is in the wonderful world of America. Not country, but world. People in America are in their own little world and no one outside of its borders can hurt them.
The very first part of this section says “the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness.” This doesn’t sound like the God I learned about in Sunday School. My question is whom is this section talking about, who are the men who suppress the truth?
While eating dinner in the Cafeteria I had a conversation with a friend, this friend said that he could not believe in a God that would send people to hell who haven’t heard the gospel, he would hate God. I recalled the passage and explained to him. It seems to me that all people have a way of coming to the Lord, whether the arrogant church shows them the way or not. Every one has a reason because God has poured himself into his creation. “God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of this world God’s invisible qualities and his eternal power have been clearly seen. So man is without excuse. All men are held accountable because God has revealed himself to them without the help of the church. And this is were the answer to that question comes; “will God send people who never herd of God or Jesus to hell.” I am sorry to say that I believe he will. They chose to ignore the natural signs that are there, the conscience that God gave to all men as a natural Law of things. “They exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man. Verse 25 says; “they exchanged the truth for a lie” The people of the world have exchanged the truth for a lie to fulfill their twisted desires. So what can we learn from this?
God is just and must distribute his justice, whether that is wrath or grace, God gives accordingly. I ask you, do you give the gospel up for a lie, who do you follow? I assure you that some of you may think you are following God yet you may be living a lie. Give all of yourself to God for his glory, and listen to the natural law that God has given to you. Flee from the corruption that conspires in a human heart and remember above all to live by faith.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
My first blog ever
This is my first blog ever... I don't know why I am writing one but I have had an interest lately to write one. I know that no one may ever see it or read it but that doesn't bother me.
People are afraid of a lot of things. Some fear snakes and others fear spiders. People can fear heights or freeze like a dear caught in headlights when in front of a crowd. Death can terrorize the thoughts of those who linger near it. I pride myself in saying that I am not afraid of any of those things. That’s right I am your next Indiana Jones waiting for the next impossible adventure, yet I’m not afraid of snakes.
After celebrating Easter with my mom’s side of the family we visited my Grandmother Willmore. She became a widow four years ago. This week she will pack up all of her belongings and move to a retirement home. I couldn’t believe it when I herd it. Her home now is a site to see, the largest on Chestnut Street. How could she trade in a lifetime of happiness for a four-room apartment the size of her master suite now? Yet ever since the loss of my Grandfather she has come to face the greatest fear of all. These past four years she has spent all her time cooped up in a big house with nothing but her belongings. Sure, our family has spent as much time with her that we could, but those hours are short compared to the long morning, afternoon and early evening. She has had enough, and this week she will be moving to a place where many of her friends already call home. At first I couldn’t understand why she would wish to make such a move but as I talked it over with my parents I came to realize she has embraced a fear that I am experiencing daily.
You may think I am a nerd or dork but since I reached high school I have prayed for the good Lord to send me a special some one. Corny, yes I know, however I pray for it still. God finally did answer my prayers the summer before my senior year. She was enchanting. This answer was wonderful, she kept me laughing and on my toes. She gave me something to look forward too in the morning when I went to school. We spent hours upon hours together. We were each other’s first real kiss, a moment I will never forget. After a little longer then a year, I moved to college and the relationship began to die. A little each day we grew further apart, it was just as much my fault as hers and In January of 06’ we went our separate ways and my prayer began again. I don’t have any regrets about dating her I just hate how it had to end.
Now after a year since the breakup I am still waiting on an unanswered prayer. The feeling my Grandmother is feeling, the one that caused her to move on to the next chapter of her life, and what she has feared since the death of my grandfather; I am also experiencing. I doubt it is as great as hers, but the same nonetheless. Each day I look around and see my friends experiencing wonderful partnerships and I am left alone. I hate this feeling but like my grandmother, forced to embrace it. I know that some day that person God has planned for me from the beginning will march into my life but until that day I wait. I guess the only thing I am afraid of is that that day will never come. I don’t fear snakes, heights, spiders, or public speaking but what I fear the most is the lack of companionship. I fear loneliness.
People are afraid of a lot of things. Some fear snakes and others fear spiders. People can fear heights or freeze like a dear caught in headlights when in front of a crowd. Death can terrorize the thoughts of those who linger near it. I pride myself in saying that I am not afraid of any of those things. That’s right I am your next Indiana Jones waiting for the next impossible adventure, yet I’m not afraid of snakes.
After celebrating Easter with my mom’s side of the family we visited my Grandmother Willmore. She became a widow four years ago. This week she will pack up all of her belongings and move to a retirement home. I couldn’t believe it when I herd it. Her home now is a site to see, the largest on Chestnut Street. How could she trade in a lifetime of happiness for a four-room apartment the size of her master suite now? Yet ever since the loss of my Grandfather she has come to face the greatest fear of all. These past four years she has spent all her time cooped up in a big house with nothing but her belongings. Sure, our family has spent as much time with her that we could, but those hours are short compared to the long morning, afternoon and early evening. She has had enough, and this week she will be moving to a place where many of her friends already call home. At first I couldn’t understand why she would wish to make such a move but as I talked it over with my parents I came to realize she has embraced a fear that I am experiencing daily.
You may think I am a nerd or dork but since I reached high school I have prayed for the good Lord to send me a special some one. Corny, yes I know, however I pray for it still. God finally did answer my prayers the summer before my senior year. She was enchanting. This answer was wonderful, she kept me laughing and on my toes. She gave me something to look forward too in the morning when I went to school. We spent hours upon hours together. We were each other’s first real kiss, a moment I will never forget. After a little longer then a year, I moved to college and the relationship began to die. A little each day we grew further apart, it was just as much my fault as hers and In January of 06’ we went our separate ways and my prayer began again. I don’t have any regrets about dating her I just hate how it had to end.
Now after a year since the breakup I am still waiting on an unanswered prayer. The feeling my Grandmother is feeling, the one that caused her to move on to the next chapter of her life, and what she has feared since the death of my grandfather; I am also experiencing. I doubt it is as great as hers, but the same nonetheless. Each day I look around and see my friends experiencing wonderful partnerships and I am left alone. I hate this feeling but like my grandmother, forced to embrace it. I know that some day that person God has planned for me from the beginning will march into my life but until that day I wait. I guess the only thing I am afraid of is that that day will never come. I don’t fear snakes, heights, spiders, or public speaking but what I fear the most is the lack of companionship. I fear loneliness.
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